Personal page Alizadeh

یک سایت سایت‌های تارنمای مدیریت صفحات شخصی اساتید دیگر

Personal page Alizadeh

یک سایت سایت‌های تارنمای مدیریت صفحات شخصی اساتید دیگر
Education 18فوریه


2008-2012, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran (PhD. Pure Mathematics (Algebraic graph theory Supervisor: Prof. Ali Iranmanesh 2005-2008, Tarbiat Modares university, Tehran M.Sc. Pure Mathematics (Algebraic graph theory) Advisor: Prof. Ali Iranmanesh 2001-2005, Birjand university, Birjand B.Sc.

Links 18فوریه


Iranian Mathematical Society IPM American Mathematical Society Online Latex Editor Writing Mathematics How to write a reviewer report?

Schedule 18فوریه


16-18 14-16 10-12 8-10 Combinatorics Saturday Modern Algebra Sunday Modern Algebra Monday Combinatorics Tuesday Wednesday  

Recent Publictions 18فوریه

Recent Publictions

Y.Alizadeh, S. Klavzar, Complexity of the Szeged index, edge orbits, and some nanotubical fullerenes, to appear in Hacet. J. Math. Stat. Y.Alizadeh, E. Estaji, S. Klavzar, M. Petkovek,Metric properties of generalized Sierpiski graphs over stars, 

Contact Info 18فوریه

Contact Info

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran., Tel: (051) 4401-3355