Year :2024

Published in :Dynamic anthropomorphic thorax phantom for quality assurance of motion management in radiotherapy

Title of publication:Physics and imaging in radiation oncology

Published in :Application of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles in Spectral Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2: A Numerical Study

Title of publication:Plasmonics

Year :2023

Published in :Secondary particle dose assessment during the proton therapy of liver cancer: A Monte Carlo study

Title of publication:Radiation Physics and Engineering

Published in :Performance evaluation of buildup bolus during external radiotherapy of mastectomy patients: treatment planning and film dosimetry

Title of publication:Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing

Published in :A dose planning study for cardiac and lung dose sparing techniques in left breast cancer radiotherapy: Can free breathing helical tomotherapy be considered as an alternative for deep inspiration breath hold

Title of publication:Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology

Published in :A dose planning study for cardiac and lung dose sparing techniques in left breast cancer radiotherapy: Can free breathing helical tomotherapy be considered as an alternative for deep inspiration breath hold?

Title of publication:Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology

Year :2022

Published in :Surface guided 3DCRT in deep-inspiration breath-hold for left sided breast cancer radiotherapy: implementation and first clinical experience in Iran

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Gadolinium neutron capture therapy: Calculation of 157Gd kerma factor and a dosimetry study using MCNP Monte Carlo code

Title of publication:radiation physics and chemistry

Year :2021

Published in :Microdosimetry calculations and estimation of the relative biological effectiveness of the low-energy electrons released during Gd neutron capture reaction

Title of publication:radiation physics and chemistry

Year :2020

Published in :Simulation of direct DNA damages caused by alpha particles versus protons

Title of publication:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B

Published in :Investigation of the direct DNA damages irradiated by protons of different energies using geant4-DNA toolkit

Title of publication:International Journal of Radiation Research

Published in :The Effect of Phantom Compositions on Dose Calculations in Proton Therapy of Liver Cancer

Title of publication:Journal of Arak University Medical Sciences

Published in :Monte Carlo based analysis and evaluation of energy spectrum for low-kV IORT spherical applicators

Title of publication:Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik

Published in :Investigation of optical and structural properties of aqueous CdS quantum dots under gamma irradiation


Published in :Study of Photoneutron Production for the 18 MV Photon Beam of the Siemens Medical linac by Monte Carlo Simulation

Title of publication:Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

Published in :Performance of a linear accelerator couch positioning quality control task using an electronic portal imaging device

Title of publication:Radiological Physics and Technology

Published in :Calculation of the energy levels and charge radius of 24Mg and 32S isotopes in the cluster model

Title of publication:Canadian Journal of Physics

Published in :Absorbed Dose Assessment from Short-Lived Radionuclides of Radon (222Rn) Decay Chain in Lung Tissue: A Monte Carlo Study

Title of publication:iranian journal of medical physics

Published in :Optimization of an ultra-fast silicon detector for proton and carbon beams using GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Impact of spherical applicator diameter on relative biologic effectiveness of low energy IORT X-rays: A hybrid Monte Carlo study

Title of publication:Physica Medica

Published in :Dosimetric evaluation of neutron contamination caused by dental restorations during photon radiotherapy with a 15 MV Siemens Primus linear accelerator

Title of publication:radiation physics and chemistry

Published in :Simulation of direct DNA damages caused by alpha particles versus protons

Title of publication:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B

Year :2019

Published in :A Monte Carlo study on dose perturbation due to dental restorations in a 15 MV photon beam

Title of publication:Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Published in :Dosimetry calculations of involved and noninvolved organs in proton therapy of liver cancer: a simulation study

Title of publication:Nuclear Science and Techniques

Published in :Numerical and Monte Carlo study of positron production in a hybrid scheme based on 〈1 0 0〉 axial channeling radiation in a Si single crystal


Published in :Computational Assessment of the Cellular Dosimetry and Microdosimetry of the Gadolinium Electrons Released During Neutron Capture Therapy

Title of publication:Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express

Published in :Experimental study of the influence of dental restorations on thermal and fast photo-neutron production in radiotherapy with a high-energy photon beam


Published in :Dosimetry calculations of involved and noninvolved organs in proton therapy of liver cancer: a simulation study

Title of publication:Nuclear Science and Techniques

Year :2018

Published in :Evaluating the doismetric characteristics of some beta- emitter radionuclides for skin lesions irradiation

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Physics

Published in :Monte Carlo based determination of dose distribution for some patch sources employed for radionuclide skin therapy


Published in :Dosimetric evaluation of scattered and attenuated radiation due to dental restorations in head and neck radiotherapy

Title of publication:Journal of Cancer Epidemiology

Published in :Assessment of secondary neutron dose due to dental restorations in head and neck radiation therapy

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Physics

Published in :Dosimetric evaluation of scattered and attenuated radiation due to dental restorations in head and neck radiotherapy

Title of publication:Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences

Published in :Monte Carlo based determination of dose distribution for some patch sources employed for radionuclide skin


Published in :Treatment couch positioning uncertainties using an EPID-based method

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Physics

Published in :Benchmarking of Siemens Linac in Electron Modes: 8-14 MeV Electron Beams

Title of publication:Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

Year :2017

Published in :Effect of various dental restorations on dose distribution of 6 MV photon beam

Title of publication:Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Published in :125Te NMR shielding and optoelectronic spectra in XTe3O8 (X=Ti, Zr, Sn and Hf) compounds: Ab initio calculations


Published in :Monte Carlo Simulation of Siemens Primus plus Linac for 6 and 18 MV Photon Beams

Title of publication:Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

Published in :127I NMR calculations in binary metal iodides by PBE-GGA, YS-PBE0 and mBJ exchange correlation potentials


Published in :Simulation of positron emitters for monitoring of dose distribution in proton therapy

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Enhancement Evaluation of Energy Deposition and Secondary Particle Production in Gold Nanoparticle Aided Tumor Using Proton Therapy

Title of publication:International Journal of Cancer Management

Year :2016

Published in :Calculation of the X-Ray Spectrum of a Mammography System with Various Voltages and Different Anode-Filter Combinations Using MCNP Code

Title of publication:Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Published in :Assessment of Mean Glandular Dose in Mammography System with Different Anode-Filter Combinations Using MCNP Code

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Radiology

Published in :Designing a range modulator wheel to spread-out the Bragg peak for a passive proton therapy facility

Title of publication:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Published in :Ion therapy for uveal melanoma in new human eye phantom based on GEANT4 toolkit

Title of publication:Medical Dosimetry

Year :2015

Published in :Calculation of the Dose of Samarium-153-Ethylene Diamine Tetramethylene Phosphonate (153Sm-EDTMP) as a Radiopharmaceutical for Pain Relief of bone Metastasis

Title of publication:Iranian Journal Of Medical Physics

Published in :Monte Carlo Simulation of proton therapy for breast cancer in compressed breast phantom

Title of publication:طب جنوب

Published in :Evaluation of energy deposition and secondary particle production in proton therapy of brain using a slab head phantom

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Calculation of Positron Distribution in the Presence of a Uniform Magnetic Field for the Improvement of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging Using GEANT4 Toolkit

Title of publication:

Year :2014

Published in :A Monte Carlo evaluation of dose enhancement by cisplatin and titanocene dichloride chemotherapy drugs in brachytherapy with photon emitting sources


Published in :اندازه گیری گاز رادون و تورون در مجاور گسلهای فعال شمال شرق ایران

Title of publication:سنجش و ایمنی پرتو

Published in :Comparison of the Light Charged Particles on Scatter Radiation Dose in Thyroid Hadron Therapy

Title of publication:

Published in :Impact of range straggling and multiple scattering on proton therapy of brain, using a slab head phantom

Title of publication:International Journal of Radiation Research

Year :2013

Published in :Effectiveness Evaluation of Skin Covers against Intravascular Brachytherapy Sources Using VARSKIN3 Code

Title of publication:Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering

Published in :Effectiveness Evaluation of Skin Covers against Intravascular Brachytherapy Sources Using VARSKIN3 Code

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of beta absorbed fractions for iodine isotopes in ellipsoidal thyroid lobe

Title of publication:International Journal of Radiation Research

Year :2012

Published in :Application of a color scanner for 60Co high dose rate brachytherapy dosimetry with EBT radiochromic film

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte carlo simulation of dose perturbation in different breast tissues induced by radiographic contrast inside brachytherapy balloon applicators

Title of publication:

Published in :Using matrix summation method for three dimensional dose calculation in brachytherapy

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Calculation and comparison of the MD-55-2 and the HS radiochromic films’ response to the 60Co gamma rays

Title of publication:Archive of Oncology

Published in :Dose distribution verification for GZP6 sources: a comparison of Monte Carlo, radiochromic film, and GZP6 treatment planning system

Title of publication:

Published in :Dosimetric characterizations of GZP6 60Co high dose rate brachytherapy sources: application of superimposition method

Title of publication:

Published in :Indoor radon measurement and effective dose assessment of 150 apartments in Mashhad, Iran


Published in :Estimation of the effective dose from radon ingestion and inhalation in drinking water sources of Mashhad, Iran

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Radiation Research

Published in :Appling Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Locations and Activities of the Seeds in Brachytherapy to Deliver Dose to the Defined Border

Title of publication:Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy

Year :2011

Published in :محاسبه دوز جذبی غده ای پستان با استفاده از یک برنامه فرترن بر اساس محاسبات مونت کارلوی طیف اشعه ایکس در ماموگرافی

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Physics

Published in :Determination of the TG-43 dosimetry parameters and isodose curves of 103Pd source model OptiSeedTM in soft tissue phantom

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo study to evaluate the paraffin cylinder dimensions for the surface effect correction

Title of publication:


Title of publication:

Published in :Thyroid volume’s influence on energy deposition from 131I calculated by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation

Title of publication:Radiotherapy and Oncology

Published in :Calculation of energy deposition, photon and neutron production in proton therapy of thyroid gland using MCNPX


Published in :Calculation of Isodose Curves for CCA and CCB Concave Eye applicators

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo simulation of pulse pile-up effect in gamma spectrum of a PGNAA system

Title of publication:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Year :2010

Published in :مطالعه اثر چگالی مختلف بافت بر توزیع دوز چشمه براکی تراپی Pd103 مدل MED3633

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Medical Physics

Published in :Air kerma strength characterization of a GZP6 Cobalt-60 brachytherapy source

Title of publication:Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

Published in :Adding 166Ho data to VARSKIN2 code and dose calculation to human skin

Title of publication:

Year :0

Published in :Proper Shielding for NaI(T1) Detectors in Combined Neutron-Gamma Fields

Title of publication:

Published in :X-ray Spectra Calculation for different Target-Filter of Mammograms Using MCNP Code

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo Simulation of Intrinsic Count Rate Performance of a Scintillation Camera for Diagnostic Images

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo and experimental relative dose determination for a 192Ir source in water phantom

Title of publication:

Published in :Low-Field Electron Transport Properties in Zincblende and Wurtzite GaN Structures Using an Iteration Model for Solving Boltzmann Equation

Title of publication:

Published in :Dose distribution calculation in skin cancer treatment using Leipzig applicator

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of Displacement Atoms Damage on NaI(Tl) Crystals by Neutron

Title of publication:

Published in :Dose distribution calculation in skin cancer treatment using Leipzig applicator

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of Intrinsic Efficiency of NaI(Tl) Detector Using MCNP Code

Title of publication:

Published in :Finding Calibration Curves for Moisture Measurement near the Soil Surface with Neutron Probe by Monte Carlo Simulation

Title of publication:

Published in :Determining TG-43 brachytherapy dosimetry parameters and dose distribution for the 131Cs source model CS-1

Title of publication:

Published in :Measurement of Radon and Radium in the water sources of Kalardasht region, Iran

Title of publication:

Published in :Radon and Radium Measurement in Drinkables Water Supplies of Shirvan Region in Iran by Prassi System

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo simulation of soil moisture effects on antitank landmines detection by neutron backscattering technique

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of Isodose Curves for CCA and CCB Concave Eye applicators

Title of publication:

Published in :Determination of 4.438 MeV γ-Ray to Neutron Emission Ratio from a 241Am-9Be Neutron Source

Title of publication:

Published in :Tally modifying of MCNP and Post Processing of Pile-up Simulation with Time Convolution Method in PGNAA

Title of publication:

Published in :Dose distribution and dosimetry parameters calculation of MED3633 103Pd source in water phantom using MCNP

Title of publication:

Published in :Monte Carlo simulation of soil moisture effects on antitank landmines detection by neutron backscattering technique

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of Atom Displacement Damage in HPGe Crystal by Fast Neutron

Title of publication:

Published in :Radon Concentration Measurement in the Some Water and Air of Mine in Nishabour Region at Iran.

Title of publication:

Published in :Radon Measurement in the drinkable Water Sources of Ramsar Region in Iran

Title of publication:

Modeling the 224Ra Alpha DaRT Source to Investigate Nuclei Desorption ' in 2024'

COMP Annual Scientific 70th Meeting

ارزیابی تحلیلی توزیع دز عمقی باریکه پروتون درمانی در محیط همگن ' in 2023'

بیست و نهمین کنفرانس هسته ای ایران

Surface Guided Radiotherapy in Deep Inspiration Breath Hold for Toxicity Management in Left-sided Breast Cancer Irradiation: Implementation and First Clinical Experience in Iran ' in 2022'


شبیه سازی سیستم پرتودرمانی حین عمل INTRABEAM به همراه اپلیکاتورهای کروی توسط ابزار مونت کارلوی GEANT4 ' in 2019'

کنفرانس فیزیک ایران 1398

Absorbed dose assessment from decay chain of radon gas in human respiratory system: A Monte Carlo study ' in 2018'

World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Monte carlo simulation of the PET scanner ... ' in 2016'

20th annuall meeting of Nuclear Medicine

محاسبه دز پروتون و ذرات ثانویه در پرتون تراپی کبد ' in 2016'

دومین همایش ملی فیزیک

simulatiuon of x-ray spectrum in mammography system ' in 2016'

دومین کنگره بین المللی فیزیک

Indoor Radon Measurement and Effective Dose Assessment of 150 Apartments in Mashhad - Iran ' in 2014'

2nd Annual World Congress of Environmental Biotechnology(WCEB-2012)

Indoor radon concentration in the living places of Mashhad ' in 2014'

WCEB2 in Taiyuan China during

Effective dose from radon ingestion and inhalation in drinking water sources of Mashhad – Iran ' in 2013'


Dose calculation radiopharmaceutical 153Sm-EDTMP for therapy of bone methastases ' in 2013'

5th International and 17th Iranian congress of Nuclear medicine

مقایسه پهنا و انرژی جذب شده در منحنی¬های براگ همبرد، برای هادرون¬های سبک در فانتوم آب ' in 2013'

نوزدهمين كنفرانس فيزيك هسته اي ايران

محاسبه دوز جذبی بتا و گامای ید 131 در سلول¬های تیروئید با استفاده از کد MCNP4C ' in 2013'

نوردهمين كنفرانس هسته اي ايران

بررسی اثر نانوذرات طلا در افزایش دوز جذبی تومور ' in 2013'

نوزدهمين كنفرانس هسته اي ايران

Comparison of the Dose Distribution Curves of Cs 139, I-125 and Pd-103 Radioactive Sources Using in Prostate Brachytherapy ' in 2011'

1st MEFOMP International Conference Medical Physics

calculation of absorbed fraction of beta rays 131I and 124I in ellipsoidal thyroid lobe with different mass ' in 2011'

1st MEFOMP International Conference Medical Physics

Measuring Radon and Radium concentration in 50 samples of drinking water sources of Mashhad ' in 2011'

1st MEFOMP International Conference Medical Physics

calculation of total energy deposition and mean glandular dose in Brest from W/Rh target-filter x-ray spectrum ' in 2011'

1st MEFOMP International Conference Medical Physics

بهينه سازي مكان چشمه ها در طراحي درمان راديوتراپي با استفاده ازالگوريتم ژنتيك ' in 2011'

کنفرانس سالانه فیزیک ایران 1390


The 7th International Conference Quantum Theory And Symmetries QTS7

Using Matrix superposition method for 3 dimentional dose calculation in brachytherapy ' in 2011'

1st MEFOMP International Conference Medical Physics

برآورد بهينه بازه انرژي پروتون براي درمان سرطان تيروئيد ' in 2010'

هفدهمین کنفرانس مهندسی پزشکی ایران

Monte carlo and experimental verification of dose distribution around the HDR brachytherapy GZP^ source number two ' in 2010'


High dose rate brachytherapy dose distribution measurements using EBT radiochromice film and a color sacner ' in 2010'

GW 2010& 15NAMMP

Monte Carlo calculation of the dose distributions of two 106Ru eye applicators in soft tissue phantom ' in 2008'

ICNROMP, Vellore

Monte Carlo Calculation of a Properly Paraffin Cube for Moisture Measurement near the Soil Surface by Neutron Probe ' in 2006'

18th World Congress of Soil Science

Monte Carlo Simulation of Moisture Measurement by Neutron Meter ' in 2006'

2nd Environmental Physics Conference

Radon Concentration Measurement in the some Water Sources of Mashhad Region in Iran ' in 0000'


Dose Calculation of Ho-166 Therapy Using VARSKIN2 Code ' in 0000'

WC2009- World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Monte Carlo calculation of relative dose distribution and dosimetry parameters for an 192Ir Source in a Water Phantom Using MCNP4C ' in 0000'

ICNROMP, Vellore


The VIIth International Conference Quantum Theory and Symmetries

Indoor Radon Measurement in some Apartments of Mashhad City (Iran)\" ' in 0000'

WC2009- World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

A New Simple Teaching Method for Obtaining Maxima and Minima in Applied Mathematics Problems without Using Calculus ' in 0000'

EARCOME4, Penang

X-ray Spectra Calculation of the Mammography System with Tungsten Target by MCNP Code ' in 0000'



Alpe Adria Medical Physics conference

Measurement of Radon Concentration in the Water Sources of Kraldasht-Kaleov, Iran ' in 0000'

1st International Conference of Human, Life and Radiation

Monte Carlo Simulation of Intrinsic Count Rate Performance for Scintillation Gamma Camera ' in 0000'

WC2009- World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Measurement of heavy radioactive pollution: radon and radium in drinking water samples of Mashhad ' in 0000'


Monte Carlo Simulation of Dose Distribution a 192Ir Source in Water Phantom Using MCNP code ' in 0000'

1st international conference for biological and medical physics

Monte Carlo Dose Distribution Calculation of 103Pd Source in Water and Soft Tissue Phantoms Using MCNP ' in 0000'


Radon Measurement in drinking water samples of Mashhad city in Iran ' in 0000'

WC2009- World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Thyroid volume\'s influence on energy deposition from 131I calculated by MC simulation ' in 0000'



Alpe Adria Medical Physics conference

Indoor Radon Measurement in the Air of some Apartments in Mashhad after 9 Cold Days, Winter 2006 ' in 0000'

1st International Conference of Human, Life and Radiation

Proper Proton Energy Evaluation for Thyroid Cancer Therapy Using SRIM2008 Code ' in 0000'


book in 2011

فصل 7 از کتاب Applications of Monte Carlo Method in Science and Engineering

Publisher : InTech in Wienna

book in 2009

EMITEL- Encyclopedia of Medical Physics and Multilingual Dictionary of Terms

Publisher :

book in 2007

فرمول های فیزیک

Publisher : انتشارات موسسه فرهنگی انتظار

book in 2006

کاربرد کامپیوتر در فیزیک

Publisher :

book in 1997

تئوری ارتعاشات و کاربردها

Publisher : انتشارات نما