Year :2024

Published in :The effect of images and attitudes towards curiosity on depression, anxiety, and fear of consequences of academic success in elementary students: the mediating role of critical thinking

Title of publication:European Journal of Psychology of Education

Year :2023

Published in :The effectiveness of dialectical behavior group therapy on stress, depression, and cognitive emotion regulation in mothers of intellectually disabled students: A randomized clinical trial

Title of publication:Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Published in :The effect of group schema therapy based on acceptance and commitment on sexual self-esteem and marital burnout in women undergoing dialysis

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :Effect of Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Body Image and Self-compassion of Women Undergoing Dialysis: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Title of publication:مجله روان پزشکی و روان شناسی بالینی ایران

Published in :The effectiveness of a positive parenting program (triple p) on parenting stress and tolerance of emotional disturbance in mothers with children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Year :2022

Published in :What is going on inside me? Lived experience of married women exhibiting hypoactive sexual desire disorder in long-term relationships: A qualitative study

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :Relationship between Personality Traits and Emotional Schema with Loneliness in Iranian People with Gender Dysphoria: The Mediating Role of Mindfulness

Title of publication:Sexual and Relationship Therapy

Published in :Cognitive behavioural group therapy for insomnia (CBGT-I) in patients undergoing haemodialysis: a randomized clinical trial

Title of publication:Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

Published in :Comparing the Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation(TDCS) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on Craving, Mood and Smoking Addiction

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Year :2021

Published in :The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy in Cognitive Flexibility, Suicidal Ideation, Depression, and Hopelessness in Conscripts

Title of publication:مجله روان پزشکی و روان شناسی بالینی ایران

Published in :Emotion-focused group therapy among women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: A randomized clinical trial

Title of publication:Psychotherapy Research

Published in :Mindfulness-based schema therapy and forgiveness therapy among women affected by infidelity: A randomized clinical trial

Title of publication:Psychotherapy Research

Year :2020

Published in :The role of attachment styles and brain-behavioral systems in substance abuse relapse of opiate addicts

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :Infertility, attachment, identity and sexual function of females: A correlational study

Title of publication:Journal of Reasarch & Health

Published in :Comparing theory of mind and emotion recognition in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Year :2019

Published in :Evaluation of Positive and Negative Affect Induction on the Regional Brain Activity and Personality Traits

Title of publication:Practice In Clinical Psychology

Published in :The role of emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction in women’s quality of life: Structural equation modeling

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :Changes in the Indices of Body Image Concern, Sexual Self-Esteem and Sexual Body Image in Females Undergoing Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: A Single-Group Trial


Year :2018

Published in :The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy in anxiety and self-esteem in patients with multiple sclerosis

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :The Relationship between Sexual Satisfaction and Genital Self-image in Infertile Women

Title of publication:Journal Of Midwifery And Reproductive Health

Published in :Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy in quality of life and hope among patients with multiple sclerosis

Title of publication:Researcher Bulletin of Medical Sciences

Published in :Effectiveness of mindfulness-based group therapy in relapse prevention for methamphetamine dependent males

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني

Published in :واکاوی پدیده‌ی افسردگی در شعر عبدالله بردونی بر مبنای آزمون(MMPI-2)‌

Title of publication:زبان و ادبیات عربی

Year :2017

Published in :Effects of sexual education mobile applications on men’s sexual awareness and satisfaction: A randomized controlled trial

Title of publication:medical trchnologies journal

Published in :The role of body image concern, sexual body image, and sexual self-esteem in the happiness of women seeking rhinoplasty surgery

Title of publication:European Journal of Plastic Surgery

Published in :Effectiveness of group metacognitive therapy in self-efficacy and defense styles in women with multiple sclerosis

Title of publication:اصول بهداشت رواني


Title of publication:Pharmacophore

Published in :A Preliminary Investigation of Metacognitive Therapy and Habit Reversal as a Treatment for Trichotillomania


Published in :The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Depression, Hope and Adjustment in Patients with Hepatitis B

Title of publication:Zahedan Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences

Published in :Assessment of relationship between asymmetries EEG waves at baseline with Eysenck Personality traits

Title of publication:Journal Of Biomedicine

Year :2016

Published in :The effectiveness of training with a cognitive-behavioral approach in reducing irrational marital beliefs, and improve women sexual satisfaction

Title of publication:

Published in :The Effectiveness of training with cognitive - behavioral approach on reducing skewed image during sex and improve women marital satisfaction

Title of publication:

Published in :Comparing Metacognitive Beliefs and Thought Control Strategies among Iranian Students with Three Personality Types

Title of publication:

Year :2015


Title of publication:

Published in :(ISC)The effect of pelvic floor muscle exercises program on sexual self‑efficacy in primiparous women after delivery

Title of publication:

Published in :The Impact of Implementing the Tenth Chapter of the Civil Services Management Law of Salary and Benefits on Human Resources Productivity in Certain Public Organizations in Sabzevar, Iran

Title of publication:

Year :2014

Published in :Factors Related to Marital Satisfaction in Primiparous Women during Postpartum Period

Title of publication:Journal Of Midwifery And Reproductive Health

Published in :Investigating the Reliability and Validity of the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI- I) among Iranian University Students

Title of publication:

Year :2010

Published in :Metacognitive Therapy (MCT), Fluvoxamine, and Combined Treatment in Improving Obsessive-Compulsive, Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Effects of an attachment-based intervention program on happiness, resilience and psychological well-being among adolescent girls ' in 2023'

11th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience & 37th European Ophthalmology Congress

مقایسه اختلالات رفتاری، تکانش¬گری و هوش هیجانی در فرزندان دارای والدین مبتلا به اختلالات روان مزمن و فرزندان والدین عادی (شهرستان سبزوار) ' in 2023'

هشتمین کنفرانس ملی پژوهش های نوین در حوزه علوم انسانی و مطالعات اجتماعی ایران

ارتباط اضطراب مرگ با طرحواره های ناسازگار اولیه و صفات تاریک شخصیت در افراد مبتال به سرطان سینه ' in 2023'

هشتمین کنفرانس ملی پژوهش های نوین در حوزه علوم انسانی و مطالعات اجتماعی ایران

اثر بخشی درمان روابط موضوعی کوتاه مدت بر مکانیسم های دفاعی در زنان دارای نشانگان مرزی: پژوهش مورد منفرد ' in 2022'

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی رویکردهای نوین مدیریت، روانشناسی و علوم انسانی در قرن ۲۱

اثربخشی درمان روابط موضوعی کوتاه مدت بر قدرتمندی من(ایگو) در زنان دارای نشانگان مرزی: پژوهش مورد منفرد ' in 2022'

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی رویکردهای نوین مدیریت، روانشناسی و علوم انسانی در قرن ۲۱

Psychological status and risky behaviors in adolescents of divorced families: the role of gender and sexual partner after divorce ' in 2018'

23rd World Congress of the International Association For Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

Quality of life, emotional intelligence, self-concept and psychological well-being in female students ' in 2018'

23rd World Congress of the International Association For Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

Difference in sexual abuse between homosexual, heterosexual and transsexual adolescents in Iran ' in 2018'

23rd World Congress of the International Association For Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

The relationship between childhood sexual abuse with early maladaptive schemas and sexual self-esteem in female prostitutes ' in 2018'

23rd World Congress of the International Association For Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

Early Maladaptive Schemas and Attachment Styles in Women with Vaginismus ' in 2015'

(8th International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS

The Effectiveness of Spiritual Group Therapy on Older Women,s Depression, Anxiety and Stress ' in 2015'

(8th International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS

Effectof pelvic floor muscle excercises on sexual quality of life and marital satisfaction in primiparous women after childbirth ' in 2014'

1st international nursing & midwifery Conference on Health and Wellbeing

The Effectiveness of Group Metacognitive Therapy on Quality of life of divorced female. ' in 2014'

The National Congress of Women Health

Survey of the factors related to marital satisfaction of women after childbirth ' in 2014'

The National Congress of Women Health

The Effectiveness of Group Metacognitive Therapy in Decreasing Tendency and the Probability of Taking Drugs for Addicted Persons ' in 2013'

7th National Congress on Addiction Science

book in 2023

غلبه بر اختلال نافرمانی مقابله ای: یک برنامه درمانی دوبخشی برای کمک به والدین و کودکان

Publisher : انتشارات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

تجربه تمام عیار اکت: کتابِ کار تمرین ورزی اندیشه ورزی برای درمانگران

Publisher : انتشارات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

book in 2022

تربیت جنسی کودکان و نوجوانان در خانواده ایرانی و پیشگیری از آزار جنسی

Publisher : ترانه

هشت قرار عاشقانه

Publisher : فراانگیزش

درمان گام به گام فراشناختی برای اختلال وسواسی اجباری: بررسی یک مورد بالینی

Publisher : انتشارات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

مقابله با پیمان شکنی در روابط زناشویی

Publisher : فراانگیزش

book in 2021

روان درمانی روان پویشی بلندمدت

Publisher : دانژه

کارآمدی و ناکارآمدی جنسی زنان

Publisher : قطره

بایدها و نبایدها در مواجهه با رفتارهای جنسی کودکان (راهنمای عملی برای درمانگران کودک و والدین)

Publisher : بعثت

اعتماد از دست رفته: غلبه بر خیانت و شروع دوباره

Publisher : آوای نور

book in 2020

صمیمیت عاطفی و جنسی در زندگی مشترک

Publisher : فراانگیزش

ترنس و تراجنسی

Publisher : متخصصان

آگاهی از هیجانات: پرورش ذهنیت سازی در روان درمانی

Publisher : آوای نور

book in 2019

راهنمای جامع درمان ناکارآمدی های جنسی به انضمام راهنمای تشخیصی در DSM-5

Publisher : فراانگیزش

book in 2018

چرا از انتخابهایمان ناخشنود هستیم؟ چرا «بیش»تر «کم»تر است؟

Publisher : دانژه

جعبه ابزار مبتنی بر شواهد تجربی برای تنظیم هیجانات شدید: راهنمای عملی درمان اختلال شخصیت مرزی: 100 ر

Publisher : انتشارات دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

آرنولد لازاروس: روان درمانی چندوجهی

Publisher : دانژه

book in 2017

رواندرمانی متمرکز بر انتقال برای اختلال شخصیت مرزی

Publisher : رویان پژوه

درمان مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد برای زوجها: راهنمای بالین گران برای بکارگیری ذهن آگاهی،ارزش ها و آگاهی ا

Publisher : دانژه

برنامه ها و مداخلات شناختی-رفتاری برای افسردگی و اختلالات اضطرابی

Publisher : فراانگیزش

راهنمای جامع درمان ناکارآمدی های جنسی

Publisher : فراانگیزش

تاتو و تابو: روانشناسی و روانکاوی تاتو (خالکوبی) و پیرسینگ بر سطح پوست

Publisher : گیوا

book in 2015

برنامه ها و مداخلات درمان شناختی رفتاری برای افسردگی

Publisher : فراانگیزش

عواطف، شخصیت و فعالیت مغز

Publisher : تی آرا

Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Quality of Life, Meaning in Life and Pain

Relationship between Attachment and Identity Styles with Sexual Function and Sexual Self-esteem of F

The effect of cognitive behavioral group therapy on quality of life, hope and Pain Self-Efficacy in

The effectiveness of group therapy based on acceptance and commitment on cognitive flexibility, sui

The Impact of implementing the tenth chapter