Year :2024

Published in :Evaluating the Capacities and Limitations of 5G and 4G Networks: An Analysis Approach

Title of publication:International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies

Year :2023

Published in :Performance prediction and enhancement of 5G networks based on linear regression machine learning

Title of publication:Springer URASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

Year :2022

Published in :Enabling efficient and reliable IoT deployment in 5G and LTE cellular areas for optimized service provisioning

Title of publication:Springer The Journal of Supercomputing

Year :2020


Title of publication:Journal of Engineering Science and Technology


Title of publication:Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Year :2019

Published in :IPv6 Transition Measurements in LTE and VHT Wi-Fi Mobile Networks

Title of publication:IEEE Access

Published in :Hybrid LTE-802.11ac network: QoS optimality evaluation of the VoIP codecs techniques

Title of publication:Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Published in :3-sector cell vs. Omnicell: Cell sectorization impact on the performance of side-by-side unlicensed LTE and 802.11ac air interfaces

Title of publication:IEEE Access

Year :2018

Published in :Impact of Inter-eNodeB Handover Parameters on Performance Optimization of LTE Networks

Title of publication:Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Published in :A Model for Behavioral Tendency of TCP Congestion Control Variants in LTE Cellular and 802.11ac Networks

Title of publication:Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Published in :Modeling Optimal Values of the Traffic Load-Based Factors over Performance of LTE Cellular and 802.11ac

Title of publication:Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Year :2017

Published in :COL-MOD: A New Module to Quantify the Weight of Damage Incurred by Collision Attacks

Title of publication:International Journal of Network Security

Node-Red در محیط UDP و TCP پیاده‌سازی و مقایسه پروتکل‌های ' in 2023'

ششمین همایش ملی توسعه علوم فناوریهای نوین در مدیریت، حسابداری و کامپیوتر

اندازه گیری سطح آب مخزن با استفاده از منطق فازی و سنسور های سطح ' in 2022'

پنجمین همایش ملی توسعه علوم فناوریهای نوین در مدیریت، حسابداری و کامپیوتر

Multipoint Synchronous E-Learning: Effective Service Delivery for Mobile Learners ' in 2020'

5th national conference on computer engineering and Iran blockchain

Network Monitoring and Traffic Analysis to Control Bandwidth Utilization ' in 2020'

5th national conference on computer engineering and Iran blockchain

Reliable Packet Delivery for Loss-Sensitive Services in High-Speed Networks ' in 2020'

7th national congress on new findings in electrical engineering

Latency Tolerance Evaluation for Uplink Online Interactive Applications ' in 2020'

7th national congress on new findings in electrical engineering

Frame Error Rate Estimation in Selective Visual Recognition Systems (SVR) ' in 2020'

6th national conference on applied research in electrical, mechanical and mechatronics engineering

Surveillance Security Systems On Real-Time Basis ' in 2020'

6th national conference on applied research in electrical, mechanical and mechatronics engineering

Quality of service comparison between VoIP real-time services and best-effort data ' in 2020'

5th international conference on the new horizons in the electrical engineering, computer and mechanical

Jitter-Minimized IP Communication for Congestion Control ' in 2019'

6th national conference on applied research in computer engineering and information technology

The pattern of Resource Consumption Based on Network Traffic Overhead ' in 2019'

6th national conference on applied research in computer engineering and information technology

Online video streaming applications: Performance measurement over cellular and Wi-Fi networks ' in 2019'

4th international conference on innovation and research in engineering sciences

Performance Analysis of Round Robin, Proportional Fair, and Priority Set Scheduler in Cellular Networks ' in 2019'

4th international conference on innovation and research in engineering sciences

Evaluation of user mobility influence on the performance of video delivery services ' in 2019'

2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Researches in Electrical, Computer, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering in Iran and Islamic World

Comparison of scheduling algorithms for resource allocation in E-UTRAN and EPC core ' in 2019'

The 5th International Conference on Science & Technology with Sustainable development approach

VoIP Quality of Service: Pure-LTE vs. LTE-Wi-Fi Networks ' in 2019'

6th International Conference on Information Technology,Computer and Telecommunication

Performance comparison of VoLTE and VoWiFi in the presence of IPv6 and IPv4 ' in 2019'

4th International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia

Inter-LTE and Intra-LTE: Impact Measurement of Mobility on Video Streaming ' in 2019'

3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Information Technology

A Framework to Measure Impact of Beacon Falsification Attacks on Wireless Broadcast Connections ' in 2016'

8th Iranian conference on Electrical & Electronics Engineering

assessment of High and Low Rate Protocol-base

COL-MOD: A New Module to Quantify the Weight

Femtocell and Macrocell Efficiency Comparison With Different MIMO Antennas