Year :2024

Published in :Comparative Study of External Fixators With Different Spatial Configurations in the Damage Control Surgery of Comminuted Diaphyseal Fracture

Title of publication: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering

Published in :Introducing a novel piezoelectric-based tunable design for mode-localized mass micro-sensors

Title of publication:Composite Structures

Published in :Size-dependent finite element buckling analysis of porous cylindrical micro-shells reinforced by graphene platelets

Title of publication:Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines

Published in :Introducing a novel piezoelectric-based tunable design for mode-localized mass micro-sensors

Title of publication:Composite Structures

Published in :Comparative Study of External Fixators With Different Spatial Configurations in the Damage Control Surgery of Comminuted Diaphyseal Fracture

Title of publication: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering

Year :2023

Published in :Size-dependent bending and buckling of two-dimensional functionally graded microplates, an artificial neural network approach

Title of publication:Physica Scripta

Published in :Frequency‑Domain Analysis of Shock‑Excited Magneto‑Electro‑Elastic Energy Harvesters with Different Unimorph and Bimorph Configurations

Title of publication: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering

Published in :Investigating the influence of piezoelectric excitation on the veering phenomenon associated with electrostatically coupled micro-beams

Title of publication:The Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of ISME

Published in :Nonlinear Modelling of Unimorph and Bimorph Magneto-Electro-Elastic Energy Harvesters


Published in :Investigating the influence of piezoelectric excitation on the veering phenomenon associated with electrostatically coupled micro-beams

Title of publication:The Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of ISME

Published in :Non-linear assessment of tunable vibrating ring micro-gyroscopes design

Title of publication:Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines

Published in :Harvesting energy from shock environments via functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic materials


Year :2022

Published in :Modified couple stress flexural–flexural quasi-static pull-in analysis of large deformable cantilever-based

Title of publication:Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Published in :Strain Gradient Bistability of Bimorph Piezoelectric Curved Beam Interacting with a Curved Electrode

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Year :2021

Published in :Size‑dependent response of electrically pre‑deformed micro‑plates under mechanical shock incorporating the effect of packaging, a frequency‑domain analysis

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Size‑dependent response of electrically pre‑deformed micro‑plates under mechanical shock incorporating the effect of packaging, a frequency‑domain analysis

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Year :2019

Published in :Size‑dependent pull‑in instability analysis of electrically actuated packaged FG micro‑cantilevers under the effect of mechanical shock

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Bi-stability of pressurized electrically actuated flat micro-plates


Year :2018

Published in :Dynamic Analysis of Rectangular Micro‑plates Under Mechanical Shock in Presence of Electrostatic Actuation

Title of publication:Sensing and Imaging

Published in :The influence of higher in- and out-of-plane natural modes on dynamic pull-in instability of electrically actuated micro-plates

Title of publication:European Journal of Computational Mechanics

Investigating the influence of piezoelectric excitation on the veering phenomenon associated with electrostatically coupled micro-beams ' in 2023'

The 31th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers

Mathematical modeling of magneto-electro-elastic energy harvesters considering nonlinearities in curvature and inertia ' in 2023'

8th International Conference on Technology and Energy Management (ICTEM)

Modified coupled stress thermal bending analysis of Bi-Layer thick micro-platess, a finite element approach ' in 2022'

The 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers

Free vibrations of bi-stable pressurized FG plate-type MEMS ' in 2021'

Euromech Colloquium No. 626:Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Composites

Effect of The Casimir Force on Size-Dependent Dynamic Pull-In Instability in Micro-Bridge Gyroscopes with a Proof Mass ' in 2017'

7th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration

Dynamic Snap-Through Instability in Initially Curved Micro-bridges Subjected to Mechanical Shock ' in 2017'

7th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration

Investigating the size effect on the pull-in displacement of geometric non-linear micro-bridges ' in 2017'

2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

book in 2023

مبانی کامپیوتر و اصول برنامه ‌نویسی با فرترن و نرم افزار متلب (ویژه دانشجویان مهندسی و علوم پایه)

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