علیرضا کیخسروی

Mar 6,2025

  • علیرضا کیخسروی

  • CV

    Curriculum vitae

    Personal Information:

    • Name : Alireza
    • Surname: Keikhosravi
    • Date & Place of birth: September 1979, Sabzevar, Iran
    • Local address: Hakim Sabzevari University, Tovhid shahr, Sabzevar, Iran

     E-mail address:



    • akeykhosravi@yahoo.com
    • Phone number: +98 (51) 44012452
    • Education
    • 2009-2014: PhD, University of Regensburg, Germany
    • 2002-2005: Sc. in Animal Science, University Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
    • 1998-2002: Sc. in Animal Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.


    – Tarbiat Moalem University of Sabzevar, Iran

                 Lecturer, October 2006 – February 2009

    – University of Regensburg, Germany

                Teaching assistant, May 2010 – August 2010

                Teaching assistant, January 2011 – March 2011

     Teaching assistant, April 2011 – May 2013

    – University of Hakim Sabzevari, Iran

         Assistant professor, April 2015- present

    Stipends and Grants During Education

    2010-2011, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Regensburg

    2011-2012, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Regensburg

    March 2012, visiting the Natural History Museum of London, Union-funded Integrated Activities grant (Synthesys)

    June 2013, visiting the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Union-funded Integrated Activities grant (Synthesys)



               – English, Persian (fluent)        – German (working knowledge)

    – Turkish (working knowledge)

    Teaching Experience

        – Zoology 1, including Anatomy course     – Zoology 2, including Anatomy course

        – Protozoology                                             – Parasitology

        – Histology, including laboratory               – Animal physiology, including laboratory

        – Ornithology                                              – General biology

        – Animal biosystematic                              – Phylogenetic approaches

        – Zoogeography                                           – Animal behavior

    Research Interest

    1- Aquatic Invertebrate Biology, in particular freshwater crabs and insect larvae

                            Ecology and Evolution

                            Morphology and Taxonomy

                            Phylogeny and Phylogeography


    Stipends and Grants

    – 2010-2011, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Regensburg

    – 2011-2012, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Universität Regensburg

    – March 2012, visiting the Natural History Museum of London, Union-funded Integrated Activities grant (Synthesys)

    – June 2013, visiting the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Union-funded Integrated Activities grant (Synthesys)

    – 2016-2019, Evolutionary relationship and population structure of the freshwater crab subgenus Pontipotamon (Brachyura, Potamidae, Potamon) in the Caspian sea and Black Sea basins. Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF). 6000$

    -2020- Ongoing, Taxonomy and biodiversity of mayflies in the Caspian drainage system using molecular and morphological data. Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF). 1500$

    Reviewer for International Journals:

    – Crustaceana (International Journal of Crustacean Research)

    – The European Zoological Journal

    – African Journal of Aquatic Science

    Italian Journal of Zoology


    1) The 2nd UMZ Biotechnology Workshop; genomic and plasmid DNA extraction, DNA gel electrophoresis and primer design methods. University of Mazandaran. Sari, Iran. February 2009.

    2) Safety student in educational and research Laboratories. Tarbiat Moallem Universiry of Sabzevar, Iran. June 2009.

    3) The method of writing articles in English language. Tarbiat Moallem University of Sabzevar, Iran. June 2008.

    4) The method of interaction between master and student. Tarbiat Moallem University of Sabzevar, Iran. December 2008.

    5) The methods of electronic content production in figurative universities. Tarbiat Moallem Universiry of Sabzevar, Iran. June 2007.

    6) Current methods on speciation research: population genetic approaches. Průhonice, Czech Republic. 28–30th August 2012.

    Presentation at International Meetings

    • Shahiki, S., Hajar, T., Kohan, E & Keikhosravi, A. A Review of the Physiological Effects and Mechanisms of Trigonella graecum on human health indices. A Fifth National Conference of Medicinal Herbs, Conventional Medicine and Organic Agriculture, Iran. March, 2018
    • Kalateh, A., , A. Naderloo, R & Hajar, T. Population structure of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi Pretzmann, 1962, based on genetic and morphometric data from the southern Caspian Sea and Namak Lake Basins. 3rd National Conference on Animal Science, Shahrekord, Iran. August 23, 2017 (Poster)
    • Yosefabadi, F., Rastegar Pouyani, E & keikhosravi, A. Morphological differentiation among populations of Trapelus ruderatus (Olivier, 1804) (Agamidae: Squamata) in Western Asia. 3rd National Conference on Animal Science, Shahrekord, Iran. August 23, 2017 (Poster)
    • Sheibak, F., Keikhosravi, A & Naderloo R. Population structure of the freshwater crabs Potamon ruttneri, Pretzmann 1962. 3rd National Conference on Animal Science, Shahrekord, Iran. August 23, 2017 (Poster)
    • Keikhosravi, A. & Naderloo, R. Biogeographic history of freshwater crabs of the genus Potamon (Crustacea: Brachyura: Potamidae) in the Middle East based on molecular data from northeastern Iran using the morphometric -geometric and genetic. 3rd National Conference on Animal Science, Shahrekord, Iran. August 23, 2017 (Talk)
    • Parvizi, E., Naderloo, R., Keikhosravi, A., Solhjouy-Fard, S. & Christoph D. Schubart. Demographic history and species distribution modeling in the freshwater crab Potamon ibericum in the southern Caspian Sea region. 3rd National Conference on Animal Science, Shahrekord, Iran. August 23, 2017 (Talk)
    • Baharshahi, A., Keikhosravi, A. & Behravan, M. Species diversity of sandflies fauna in Zirkouh city, Khorasan-e-Jonoobi Province. The Annual Research conference of Khorasan-Jonubi Student, Birjand, Iran, February 16, 2017 (Poster)
    • Hamidian, M., Moradmand, M. & Keikhosravi, A. Range expansion of the genus Crossopriza (Araneae: Pholcidae): a new record from Iran. 1st National Conference on New Finding in Biology. Zabol, Iran, November 23-24, 2016 (Talk)
    • Shamsabadi, H., Darabzadeh, Z., Yosefabadi, F., Keikhosravi, A. Two new record of mayflies (insecta: Ephemeroptera) from selected rivers in Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces, Iran. 1st National Conference on New Finding in Biology. Zabol, Iran, November 23-24, 2016 (Poster)
    • Kalateh, A., , A. Naderloo, R & Hajar, T. Species morphological differentiation in freshwater crab genus Potamon using morphometric data. First national congress of paramedical students. Sari, Iran, January 5, 2016 (Poster)
    • Baharshahi, A., Behravan, M., Keikhosravi, A., Bonyadi, P., Species diversity of sandflies fauna in Zirkouh city, Khorasan-e-Jonoobi Province. First national congress of paramedical students. Sari, Iran, January 5, 2016 (Talk)
    • Zankl, , Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. Genetic diversity in the European stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium in southeastern Europe with special emphasis on Bulgarian populations, The Crustacean Society & International Association of Astacology. Sydney, July 19-23, 2015. (Poster)
    • Keikhosravi, A., Naderloo, R & Schubart, C. D. Morphological and genetic analyses reveal high diversity in the Potamon ruttneri and gedrosianum complex of freshwater crabs. 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8). Frankfurt, August 18-23, 2014. (Poster)
    • Naderloo, R., Schubart, C. D., Türkay, M. Keikhosravi, A. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the wide-front fiddler crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae: Uca) in the Indo-West Pacific. 8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8). Frankfurt, August 18-23, 2014. (Talk)
    • Khalaji-Pirbalouty, V & Keikhosravi, A. Molecular data confirm species assignment of the genus Ligia (Crustacea: Isopoda: Ligiidae) along the coastal zone of the Persian Gulf areas. 9th International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology. Poitiers, France. June 2014
    • Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. Cryptic species in European freshwater crabs revealed by genetic comparison of populations of Potamon ibericum (brachyura, potamidae). 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society. Konstanz. 21-24 September. 2012 (Poster)
    • Andorfer, S., Keikhosravi, A & Schubart C. D. Regional endemisms of the stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium (Decapoda: Astacidae) in central and eastern Europe. 105th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society. Konstanz. 21-24 September. 2012 (Poster)
    • Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. Genetic comparisons of population of Potamon ibericum (Brachyura. Potamidae) reveal regional endemism in Pontocaspian freshwater crabs. 10th Colloquium Crustacean Decapoda Mediterranean. Athens, Greece. 03-07 June. 2012 (Poster).
    • Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. “Intraspecific genetic and morphological diversity within the Potamon persicum complex (Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamidae) at different geographical scales in Iran.” 15th national meeting of crustacean. Regensburg, Germany. 7-10 Apr. 2011 (talk).
    • Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. “Molecular and morphological evidence for allopatric differentiation in Potamon persicum at different time scales”. International Senckenberg Conference Biology of Freshwater Decapods. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 8- 10 Dec. 2010, (talk)
    • Keykhosravi, A., Atabati, A & Vatandoost, J. The toxic impacts of different concentrations of Cadmium on red blood cells morphology of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). First International congress on Aquatic Animal Health Management and Disease (ICAHMAD). Tehran (Iran), 27-28 Jan. 2009 (poster).
    • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A & Vatandoost, J. “Toxic impacts of different concentrations of copper on gill and liver of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)”. 12th National Conference of Enviromental Health. Tehran (Iran), 2009 (poster).
    • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A & Vatandoost, J. “Toxic impacts of sub-lethal and lethal concentration of zinc chloride on gill and liver of common carp (Cyprinus carpio).” Proceedings of the 15th National & 3rd International Conference of Biology. Tehran (Iran), 2008 (poster).
    • Keykhosravi, A., Vatandoost, J., Atabati, A & Rooki, H. “The effects of sub-lethal concentrations of cadmium on level of total plasma protein in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix).” Proceedings of the 15th National & 3rd International Conference of Biology. Tehran (Iran), 2008 (poster).
    • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A., Askari, m & Vatandoost J. “Effects of sub-lethal and lethal concentration of copper on gill tissue of grass carp (Ctenopharynogodon idellus).” ICES Annual Science Conference. 22-26 Sep. Canada (Halifax), 2008 (Abstract).
    • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A & Vatandoost, J. “The toxic impacts of different concentrations of copper sulphate on the liver of grass carp (Ctenopharynogodon idellus).” 7th Conference on Marine Science and Technology. Novshahr (Iran), 2007 (poster).
    • Atabati, A., Keykhosravi, A & Vatandoost, J. “Toxic impacts of sub-lethal and lethal concentrations of copper sulphate on the liver of grass carp (Ctenopharynogodon idellus).” 2nd National Conference of Animal Science. Rasht (Iran), 2007 (poster).
    • Keykhosravi, A & Golbang, N. “Evaluation of PCR for diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.” The 13th National & 1st International Conference of Biology. Rasht (Iran), 2005 (poster).
    • Keykhosravi, A., Golbang, N & Jahangirnejad, A. “Diagnosis and differentiation of Leishmania species by PCR.” The 7th Annual Conference of Pajouhesh. Isfahan (Iran), 2004 (poster)
    • Jahangirnejad, A., Golbang, N & Keykhosravi, A. “Identification and differentiation of Leishmania species by kDNA-PCR in Isfahan province.” The 15th National Conference of Biology. Hamadan (Iran), 2004 (poster).

    List of Publications:

    1. Yousefi, M., Naderloo, R., & Keikhosravi, A. (2022). Freshwater crabs of the Near East: Increased extinction risk from climate change and underrepresented within protected areas. Global Ecology and Conservation, 38, e02266.
    2. Hamidian, M., Keikhosravi, A., & Moradmand, M. (2022). DNA-based species delimitation; an insight into the taxonomy of the Pholcus phalangioides species group (Araneae: Pholcidae). Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics.
    3. Keikhosravi, A., Moazzen, M., & Roohi Aminjan, A. (2022). Molecular and morphological diversity of Baetis braaschi Zimmermann, 1980 (Ephemeroptera: Baetideae); with notes on species’ description. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, 18(1), 25-33.
    4. Yousefabadi, F., Rastegar Pouyani, E., Keikhosravi, A., Rastegar Pouyani, N., Avcı, A., Üzüm, N., … & Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S. S. (2021). An integrative approach uncovered variation within Trapelus ruderatus (Olivier, 1804)(Squamata: Agamidae) in Western Asia. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 59(7), 1530-1545.
    5. Fahimi, N., Zolgharnein, H., Keykhosravi, A., & Naderloo, R. (2021). Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Pilumnus Leach, 1815 (Eucrustacea: Brachyura: Pilumnidae) in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Zoologischer Anzeiger291, 7-22.
    6. Moazzen, M., Keikhosravi, A., & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. S. K. A. N. D. A. R. (2021). Description of Electrogena sartorii nov., a new representative of the genus Electrogena Zurwerra & Tomka, 1985 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae), from Iran using molecular and morphological data. Zootaxa, 5026(4), 555-566.
    7. Sepahvand, V., Keikhosravi, A., & Kihara, T. C. (2021). Population differentiation in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman: insights from the ghost shrimp’s associated copepods, Clausidium iranensis and Clausidium persiaensisJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom101(1), 89-95.
    8. Parvizi, E., Keikhosravi, A., Naderloo, R., Solhjouy‐Fard, S., Sheibak, F., & Schubart, C. D. (2019). Phylogeography of Potamon ibericum (Brachyura: Potamidae) identifies Quaternary glacial refugia within the Caucasus biodiversity hot spot. Ecology and Evolution.
    9. Baharshahi, A., Behravan, M., & Keikhosravi, A. 2018. Morphological Identification of Sandflies and Their Species’ Diversity. Pramedical Journal of Sciences. 9(4): 35-41
    10. Parvizi, E., Naderloo, R., Keikhosravi, A., Solhjouy-Fard, S, Schubart, C.D. 2018. Multiple Pleistocene refugia and repeated pattern of phylogeographic break in the southern Caspian Sea region: an insight from the freshwater crab Potamon ibericum. Journal of Biogeography. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13195
    11. Deli, T., Kalkan, E., Karhan, S. Ü., Uzunova, S., Keikhosravi, A., Bilgin, R., & Schubart, C. D. 2018. Parapatric genetic divergence among deep evolutionary lineages in the Mediterranean green crab, Carcinus aestuarii (Brachyura, Portunoidea, Carcinidae), accounts for a sharp phylogeographic break in the Eastern Mediterranean. BMC evolutionary biology, 18(1), 53.
    12. Baharshahi, A., Keikhosravi, A., Zandi Dashte Bayaz., N. & Behravan, M. 2018. Investigation of Species Diversity of Leishmaniasis Vectors (Phlebotomine
      Sand Flies) in Khusf County, South Khorasan Province (Iran). Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal.;11(12):84-91.
    13. Kalateh, A., , A. Naderloo, R., Hajar, Schubart, C. D. 2018. Morphometric characterization of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi Pretzmann, 1962 in the Caspian Sea and Namak Lake hydrographic systems. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 38(1) 91–100, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcbiol/rux090
    14. Parvizi, E., Naderloo R., Keikhosravi, A., Schubart C. D. 2017. Morphometric maturity, relative growth, and patterns of sexual dimorphism in the freshwater crab Potamon ibericum (Decapoda: Potamidae) from the western Alborz Mountains, Iran. 37(3): 321-3314)
    15. Baharshahi, Keikhosravi, A., Behravan, M. 2017. Identification of Leishmania parasites and sandflies fauna in Zirkouh city, Khorasan-e-Jonoobi Province. Journal of Rafsanzan University of Medical Science. 15: 903-916 (in Persian)
    16. Keikhosravi, A., Naderloo R., Schubart C. D. 2016. Morphological and genetic diversity in the Potamon ruttneri gedrosianum species complex indicate a need for taxonomic revision. Crustaceana.89 (2): 129-139
    17. Atabati, A., Keikhosravi, A., Askari-Hesni, M., Vatandoost, J., Motamedi, M. 2015. Effects of copper sulphate on gill histopathology of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Iranian Journal Ichthyology. 2(1): 35-42.
    18. Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. 2015. Population genetic structure and demographic history of the freshwater crab Potamon elbursi (Brachyura: Potamidae) from the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran. The Journal of Limnology. 74(3): 512-518
    19. Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. 2015. Description of a new freshwater crab of the genus Potamon Savigny, 1816 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) from Iran, based on morphological and genetic characteristics. p. 115-133.In:Yeo D.C.J., Cumberlidge N., Klaus S.(eds). Crustaceana Monographs 19.Brill, Leiden,
    20. Atabati, A., Keikhosravi, A., Askari-Hesni, M., Vatandoost, J &Motamedi, M. 2015. Effects of Copper Sulfate on gill histopathology of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella).Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 2(1): 35–42
    21. Khalaji-Pirbalouti, V., Naderloo R &Keikhosravi, A. 2015. Atarbolana makranensis, a new species of Cirolanidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Makran, Iranian coast of the Gulf of Oman. Zookeys 529: 122-140
    22. Keikhosravi, A & Schubart, C. D. 2014. Revalidation and redescription of Potamon elbursi Pretzmann, 1976 (Brachyura, Potamidae) from Iran, based on morphology and genetics. Central European Journal of Biology. 8(12):1266-1275
    23. Keykhosravi, A., Atabati, A & Vatandoost, J. 2010. Effect of Cadmium on the blood protein and glucose biochemistry of the Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Scientific and Research Quarterly of Oceanography 1(2): 11-16. (in Persian)
    24. A., Golbang. N & Jahangirnejad, A. 2008. Evaluation of PCR method for diagnosis and identification of Leishmania species in cutaneous lesions. Scientific and Research Quarterly of Agricultural Jahad. 80, 121-125. (in Persian)