Year :2024

Published in :Effect of upstream vortex flow on oscillating airfoil: An experimental evaluation

Title of publication:Ocean Engineering

Published in :Numerical Study of Dynamic Stall Effects on VR-12 Airfoil with Pitch Oscillation and Accelerated Inflow

Title of publication:Energy Science and Engineering

Published in :Analysis of non‑Darcy fluid flow in and around porous medium by the effects of its properties on body wake parameters

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Numerical investigation of supersonic separator's performance in natural gas dehydration

Title of publication:

Published in :Optimizing turbine meter performance through geometrical parameter analysis: a simulation-based approach using TOPSIS

Title of publication:Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

Published in :Numerical investigation of the flow characteristics around two sequential cylinders with circular and square cross-sections

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Numerical investigation of the flow characteristics around two sequential cylinders with circular and square cross-sections

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Experimental investigation of the flow disturbance near the trailing edge of slotted and non-slotted blades using skewness and kurtosis

Title of publication:JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE

Year :2023

Published in :Numerical Investigation Of The Best Wind Turbine Shroud Flange Curvature For Maximum Wind Power Extraction

Title of publication:AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Published in :Numerical investigation of the efects of installing four trip wires with diferent diameters on the mean and fuctuation velocities and characteristics of the wake around the circular cylinder

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :Numerical Investigation Of The Best Wind Turbine Shroud Flange Curvature For Maximum Wind Power Extraction

Title of publication:AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Published in :Experimental investigation of flow structure over pitching airfoil in the wake of circular cylinder

Title of publication: Ocean Engineering

Published in :Experimental investigation of flow structure over pitching airfoil in the wake of circular cylinder

Title of publication: Ocean Engineering

Year :2022

Published in :Experimental Investigation of the Flow Structure around a Pitching Airfoil by Mean and Instantaneous Data

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of ISME

Published in :An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Helical Strakes on the Characteristics of the Wake around the Circular Cylinder


Published in :Numerical study and comparison of turbulent parameters of simple, triangular, and circular vortex generators equipped airfoil model

Title of publication:Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer

Published in :Optimization of single-obstacle location and distance between square obstacles in a curved channel


Published in :Numerical study and comparison of turbulent parameters of simple, triangular, and circular vortex generators equipped airfoil model

Title of publication:

Published in :An applicable surface heating in a two-phase ejector refrigeration

Title of publication:european physical journal plus

Year :2021

Published in :Investigation of entropy generation, efficiency, static and ideal pressure recovery coefficient in curved annular diffusers

Title of publication:European Physical Journal Plus

Published in :Investigation of entropy generation, efficiency, static and ideal pressure recovery coefficient in curved annular diffusers

Title of publication:European Physical Journal Plus

Year :2020

Published in :Numerical and Experimental Study of Characteristics of the Wake Produced Behind an Elliptic Cylinder with Trip Wires

Title of publication: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering

Published in :Effects of CFJ flow control on aerodynamic performance of symmetric NACA airfoils

Title of publication:Journal of turburlence

Published in :Experimental study of the effective parameters on the offshore wind turbines airfoil in pitching case

Title of publication:Ocean Engineering

Published in :Comparing the wake behind circular and elliptical cylinders in a uniform current

Title of publication:انتشارات اشپرینگر-SN Applied Sciences

Published in :Numerical study of the effects of adverse pressure gradient parameter, turning angle and curvature ratio on turbulent flow in 3D turning curved rectangular diffusers using entropy generation analysis

Title of publication:european physical journal plus

Published in :A numerical study over tfhe effect of curvature and adverse pressure gradient on development of fow inside gas transmission pipelines

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :The Effects of Wall Curvature and Adverse Pressure Gradient on Air Ducts in HVAC Systems Using Turbulent Entropy Generation Analysis


Published in :Analysis of co-flow jet effects on airfoil at moderate Reynolds numbers

Title of publication:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Published in :Effects of CFJ flow control on aerodynamic performance of symmetric NACA airfoils

Title of publication:Journal of turburlence

Published in :Entropy generation analysis of turbulent boundary layer flow in different curved diffusers in air-conditioning systems

Title of publication:european physical journal plus

Published in :Analysis of co-flow jet effects on airfoil at moderate Reynolds numbers

Title of publication:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Published in :A numerical study over tfhe effect of curvature and adverse pressure gradient on development of fow inside gas transmission pipelines

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Year :2019

Published in :Improvement of the wet steam ejector performance in a refrigeration cycle via changing the ejector geometry by a novel EEC (Entropy generation, Entrainment ratio, and Coefficient of performance) method


Published in :Optimal Sizing of Gas Engine in Combined Cooling Heat and Power Systems by a Proposed Evaluation Function and Genetic Algorithm Optimization Methods Based on 4E Analysis

Title of publication:Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy

Published in :Entropy analysis of pitching airfoil for offshore wind turbines in the dynamic stall condition

Title of publication:OCEAN ENGINEERING

Published in :Investigation on the effects of water steam ejector geometry in the refrigeration systems using entropy generation assessment


Published in :Features of the flow over a rotating circular cylinder at different spin ratios and Reynolds numbers: Experimental and numerical study

Title of publication:European Physical Journal Plus

Published in :Entropy generation analysis of S825, S822, and SD7062 offshore wind turbine airfoil geometries

Title of publication:OCEAN ENGINEERING

Year :2018

Published in :Wake-boundary layer interaction behind an elliptic cylinder at different Reynolds numbers

Title of publication:JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE

Published in :Experimental Study of Subcritical Reynolds number Flow across an Elliptic Cylinder

Title of publication:European Physical Journal Plus

Year :2017

Published in :بررسی تجربی نوسانات، پارامترها و مقادیر مرتبه بالای سرعت در دنباله یک مدل خودرو

Title of publication:مهندسي مكانيك اميركبير

Published in :Experimental Investigation of wake on an elliptic cylinder in the presence of tripping wire

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of the ISME

Year :2016

Published in :Experimental study of parameters and high-order values of velocity in the behind wake of a vehicle model

Title of publication:International Journal of Automotive Engineering

Published in :Experimental Investigation for Wake of the Circular Cylinder by Attaching Different Number of Tripping Wires

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of the ISME

Published in :Defining a technical criterion for economic justification of employing CHP technology in city gate stations

Title of publication:ENERGY

Year :2015

Published in :Experimental study and compare of the characteristics of the wake of a car model in steady and unsteady flow

Title of publication:International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology

Published in :36- Missile control rotational turbulent flow by periodic injections of fluid jets

Title of publication:

Published in :An Investigation of Reynolds Number Effect on the Aerodynamics of Bluff Body with Sharp Edges

Title of publication:International Journal Of Advanced Design And Manufacturing Technology

Year :2014

Published in :Assessment of quqrter cylinder obstacles effectiveness on hydraulic jump in rectangular channels

Title of publication:Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Published in :Experimental Investigation of Flow Turbulence Effects on Outlet Velocity of Compressor Cascade Blades

Title of publication:Advances in Environmental Biology

Published in :Experimental Analysis of Roughness Over Drag and Turbulence in the Automobile “Samand”

Title of publication:Advances in Environmental Biology

Published in :Experimental Investigation Characteristics of the Related Wake of Linear Compressor by Hot-Wire Anemometer

Title of publication:International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology

Year :2013

Published in :Improving Khangiran gas turbine efficiency by two standard and one novel inlet air cooling method

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :New method for applying solar energy in greenhouses to reduce fuel consumption

Title of publication:Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Published in :بررسي تجربي اثرات سيم اغتشاش ساز بر روي مشخصه¬های دنباله آبشار خطی کمپرسور

Title of publication:مکانیک سیالات و آیرودینامیک

Year :0

Published in :Numerical study of flow in a rotor-stator system

Title of publication:

Published in :The effect of convex wall curvature on the structure of turbulent boundary layer

Title of publication:

Published in :Boundary layer subjected to longitudinal convex and concave curvatures and adverse pressure gradient,

Title of publication:

Published in :Investigation on the determination of flow direction using two parallel Cylinder hot film sensors

Title of publication:

Published in :42 The first and second law analysis of a spark ignited engine fuelled with alternative fuels

Title of publication:

Published in :Wake-boundary layer interaction. Subject to convex and concave curvatures and adverse pressure gradient

Title of publication:

Published in :The Effect of Adverse Pressure Gradient on the Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layer

Title of publication:

Published in :Investigation of Self-Similarity Solution for Wake Flow of a Cylinder

Title of publication:

Published in :Calculation of turbulence intensities and shear stresses on concave surfaces by extending the low Reynolds turbulence model for curved wall

Title of publication:

Investigating the effects of wind disturbance speed behind a tree species at a certain speed using a wind tunnel ' in 2023'

2nd Engineering International Conference on Electrical, Energy, and Artificial Intelligence(EICEEAI) 2023

Investigation of wind turbine shroud performance with curved flange by three-dimensional numerical simulation method ' in 2022'

بیستمین کنفرانس بین اللملی انجمن هوافضای ایران

Investigation of the optimal curvature performance of the flange connected to the wind turbine shroud ' in 2022'

The 30th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers

An Experimental Investigation on wake of a car model Flow ' in 2017'

The 25th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ISME2017

بررسي تجربي تأثیر باله انتهایی بر نيروي پسا يك مدل خودرو ' in 2016'

بیست و چهارمین همايش سالانه بین¬المللی مهندسي مکانيک ايران،ISME2016

Experimental Investigation of Flow Past an Elliptic Cylinder near a Plane wall ' in 2016'

بیست و چهارمین همایش سالانه بین المللی مهندسی مکانیک

Aerodynamic study of box girder and the Influence of guiding vane on the wake parameters ' in 2016'

The 15th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society Civil Aviation Technology

Aerodynamic study of box girder and the Influence of the wing the front and the back edge of the deck on the wake parameters ' in 2015'

international conference on research in science and technology

شبيه سازي جريان دو فازي با الگوي حسن و كبير جديد در يك چاه نفتي ' in 2014'

پنجمين کنفرانس ملی کاربرد CFD در صنايع شيميايی و نفت

Approximate Method of Calculation of Inviscid Hypersonic Flow ' in 0000'

ICAA 2009 - International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics

Calculation of Turbulence Intensities and Shear Stresses in Turbulent Boundary Layer Subjected to Adverse Pressure gradien ' in 0000'

هفتمين همايش بين المللي هوا فضاي ايران

Moving surface influence on heavy vehicles aerodynamic drag ' in 0000'

1st regional conference on vehicle engineering and technology

Boundary layer subjected to convex and concave curvature and adverse pressure gradient ' in 0000'

FMFP, conf

The effect of hydraulic jump in upstream Froudes number ' in 0000'

13thAnnual& 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference

Obtaining conductivity unit in terms of the magnetic field (B) ' in 0000'

The 6th International Conference Dynamical Systems and Applications

Numerical Solution on Turbulent Boundary layer Equation and Calculation on Turbulent Intensity and turbulent Shear stress in incompressible flow on convex wall ' in 0000'

International Conference on the emerging Technologies and application in Engineering, Technology and Science

Numerical solution of Falkaner-Skin Equation by Shooting Method and Extended for Turbulent Boundary Layer and studying About The effect of Pressure Gradient ' in 0000'

3rd BSME_ASME International Conference on thermal Engineering

Experimental Study of wake of an airfoil subjected to curvature and adverse pressure gradient (Turbulent quantities ' in 0000'

11th ISME , Iran, 2003 Conf

Measurement of the velocity in the near wake of a car model located at the wake of a trailer ' in 0000'

13thAnnual& 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference

Effects of Heat Transfer Convection Coefficients on the Temperature Distribution in a Multi layers Composite Pressure Vessel ' in 0000'

Proceedings of the IISc Centenary International Conference and Exhibition on the Aerospace Engineering ICEAE 2009

Extending the Von Karmans Equation for Calculation of velocity Distribution on turbulent Boundary layer Subjected to pressure Gradient and Curvature ' in 0000'

هفتمين همايش بين المللي هوا فضاي ايران

The self similarity of Reynolds stresses for an airfoil subjected to curvature and adverse pressure gradient ' in 0000'

11th Asian congress of fluid mechanics (11ACFM)

Wake boundary layer interaction subjected to concave curvature and pressure gradient ' in 0000'


Experimental investigation on the effects of roughness element with same ' in 0000'

13thAnnual& 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference

Investigation of Self-Similarity Solution for Wake Flow of a Cylinder ' in 0000'

ICAA 2009 - International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics

Calculation of Turbulence Intensities and Turbulence Shear Stresses in incompressible flow on Concave surfaces by Extending the Low Reynolds Turbulence model of curved walls ' in 0000'

International Conference on the emerging Technologies and application in Engineering, Technology and Science

The effects of adverse pressure gradient concave and convex surface curvature on turbulent boundary layer ' in 0000'

3rd BSME_ASME International Conference on thermal Engineering

Experimental Study of wake of an airfoil subjected to curvature and adverse pressure gradient (mean velocity ' in 0000'

4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference

Experimental investigation on the effects of roughness element with same height on intensity profile of turbulence flow of flat plate boundary layer ' in 0000'

13thAnnual& 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference

The Measurement of Wake Characteristics of Hot and Cold Cylinder by Means of Two Parallel Hot-Film l ' in 0000'

Proceedings of the IISc Centenary International Conference and Exhibition on the Aerospace Engineering ICEAE 2009

Prediction of stream line Curvature Effects on Turbulence Intensities on Wall Bounded Turbulent Flow ' in 0000'

هفتمين همايش بين المللي هوا فضاي ايران

The self similarity of an airfoil subjected to curvature and adverse pressure gradient , ' in 0000'

3th national conference on wind engineering

Experimental Study of wake boundary layer interaction subjected to curvature and pressure gradient, ' in 0000'

Proc. 25th national and 1st international conference on fluid mechanic & fluid power

Experimental study of the characteristics of the flow in the near wake of car model ' in 0000'

13thAnnual& 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference

book in 2016

اصول و مبانی ترمودینامیک(جلد دوم)

Publisher : مشهد،سخن گستر

book in 2015

مقدمه ای بر روشهای تحلیل عیب موتورهای پیشرانش

Publisher : مشهد- سخن گستر

book in 2010

اصول و مباني مهندسي ترموديناميكي

Publisher :

book in 2007

ديناميك گازها

Publisher :

Experimental comparison between the effect of

Experimental Investigation of Wake Attributed