Year :2024
Published in :Geospatial distribution of qanats in middle eastern countries: Potential for sustainable groundwater system
Title of publication:Journal of Arid Environments
Published in :Geospatial distribution of qanats in middle eastern countries: Potential for sustainable groundwater system
Title of publication:Journal of Arid Environments
Year :2023
Published in :Shading design optimization in a semi-arid region: Considering energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost
Title of publication:Journal of Cleaner Production
Published in :Improving the Quality of Life and Sustainability for Middle-Class Mass Housing Perspectives from a Stakeholder Workshop
Title of publication:Docomomo International
Published in :Shading design optimization in a semi-arid region: Considering energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and cost
Title of publication:Journal of Cleaner Production
Published in :Improving the Quality of Life and Sustainability for Middle-Class Mass Housing Perspectives from a Stakeholder Workshop
Title of publication:Docomomo International
Year :2021
Published in :Traditional house types revived and transformed a case study in Sabzevar, Iran
Title of publication:Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads
Year :2019
Published in :The role of Qanat and irrigation networks in the process of city formation and evolution in the central Plateau of Iran, the Case of Sabzevar
Title of publication:Urban Change in Iran (Series Title The Urban Book Series)
Published in :The role of Qanat and irrigation networks in the process of city formation and evolution in the central Plateau of Iran, the Case of Sabzevar
Title of publication:Urban Change in Iran (Series Title The Urban Book Series)
Year :2018
Published in :The Role of Flexibility and Adaptability in Extending the Lifespan of Traditional Houses, the Case of Sabzevar, Iran
Title of publication:Studies of Architecture, Urbanism and Environmental Sciences Journal
Year :2017
Published in :A Review of Flexibility and Adaptability in Housing Design
Title of publication:International Journal of Contemporary Architecture -The New ARCH
Traditional house typologies revived. A case study in Sabzevar, Iran ' in 2017'
2nd Silk Cities International Conference, Reconnect population to urban heritage in the Middle East & Central Asia 2nd Silk Cities International Conference
book in 2023
Public Policies on Middle Class Mass Housing in Europe and Leveraging Contemporary architecture
Publisher : DINAMIACET Iscte-IUL