Year :2024
Published in :Climatic Comparison of Surface Urban Heat Island using Satellite Remote Sensing in Tehran and suburbs
Title of publication:Scientifc Reports
Published in :Possible changes in future reservoir inflow and hydropower production potential under CMIP6 GCMs projections for the Dez Dam, Western Iran
Title of publication:CLIMATIC CHANGE
Published in :Author Correction: Climatic comparison of surface urban heat island using satellite remote sensing inTehran and suburbs
Title of publication:Scientific Reports
Published in :Possible changes in future reservoir inflow and hydropower production potential under CMIP6 GCMs projections for the Dez Dam, Western Iran
Title of publication:CLIMATIC CHANGE
Year :2023
Published in :Monitoring the physical changes of lakes Bakhtegan and Tashk through land surface temperature and groundwater‑level changes using remote‑sensing technology
Title of publication:Environmental Earth Sciences
Published in :Surrounding greenness is associated with lower risk and burden of low birth weight in Iran
Title of publication:Nature communications
Published in :Analysis of physical changes in Fars province water zones related to climatic parameters using remote sensing, Bakhtegan, Tashk, Iran
Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science
Year :2022
Published in :Prenatal exposure to gaseous air pollution in relation to worse fetal growth and adverse birth outcomes in mice
Title of publication:Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
Published in :Reduction in daily ambient PM2.5 pollution and potential life gain by attaining WHO air quality guidelines in Tehran
Title of publication:Environmental Research
Year :2021
Published in :Future projection of drought vulnerability over northeast province of IRAN during 2021-2100
Title of publication:Atmosphere
Published in :Climate change impacts on pistachio cultivation areas in Iran: a simulation analysis based on CORDEX-MENA multi-model ensembles
Title of publication:Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Year :2020
Published in :Climate change impacts on the cultivation areas of date palm tree in Iran
Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Published in :Quantifying the Long-Term Flood Regulation Ecosystem Service under Climate Change Using SWAT Model
Title of publication:ecopersia
Published in :Assessment of anomalies and effects of climate change on reference evapotranspiration and water requirement in pistachio cultivation areas in Iran
Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Published in :Climate change impacts on the cultivation areas of date palm tree in Iran
Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Published in :Exposure to suboptimal ambient temperature during specific gestational periods and adverse outcomes in mice
Published in :Quantifying the Long-Term Flood Regulation Ecosystem Service under Climate Change Using SWAT Model
Title of publication:ecopersia
Published in :Assessment of anomalies and effects of climate change on reference evapotranspiration and water requirement in pistachio cultivation areas in Iran
Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Year :2019
Published in :Utilizing daily excessive concentration hours to estimate cardiovascular mortality and years of life lost attributable to fine particulate matter in Tehran, Iran
Published in :Evaluating Physical Changes in Aquatic Zones and Their Relation with Precipitation in Fars Province
Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment
Year :2018
Published in :Modeling the role of topography on the potential of tourism climate in Iran
Title of publication:modeling earth systems and environment
Published in :Impacts of climate change on apple tree cultivation areas in Iran
Title of publication:CLIMATIC CHANGE
Year :2017
Published in :روش ترکیبی ELECTRE-FAHP جهت ارزیابی تناسب اراضی با رویکرد مکانیابی دفن پسماند در شهر اهواز
Title of publication:جغرافيا و برنامه ريزي محيطي
Published in :Climate Change and Simulation of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: A Case Study of Mashhad, Iran
Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Public Health
Year :2014
Published in :بررسی پدیده یخبندان و ارتباط آن با عملکرد محصول گردو و بادام استان کرمانشاه
Title of publication:
ارزیابی و تاثیر پارامترهای آب و هوایی بر روی روسازی راهها در شرق کشور ' in 2014'
توسعه پایدار در علوم جغرافیا برنامه ریزیفمعماری وشهرسازی
شناسایی مکان های محدودیت دار برای مزارع بادی در آذربایجان شرقی ' in 2014'
دومین همایش محیط زیست انرژی پدافند زیستی
بررسی زمان کشت و گلدهی محصول زعفران (مطالعه مقایسه ای: استانهای آذربایجان غربی و خراسان) ' in 2013'
آخرین دستاوردهای علمی و پژوهشی زعفران
بررسی وارزیابی شاخص های زیست اقلیمی موثر برآسایش انسان ' in 2010'
دومین همایش ملی شهر سالم
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