Year :2023
Published in :Effect of resistance and power training with walking in different directions on the serum concentrations of P3NP and CAF, the lower body muscle strength and motor function in elderly men
Title of publication:journal of human sport and exercise
Year :2017
Published in :side sloped surfeces substantially affect lower limb running kinematics
Title of publication:Sports Biomechanics
Published in :the effect of undulating perodized plyometric training on power , sprint and agility performance
Title of publication:Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
Year :2016
Published in :Gait ground reaction force characteristics of low back pain patients with pronated foot and able-bodied individuals with and without footpronation
Title of publication:JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS
Published in :Kinematics of Hip, Knee and Ankle During Cross- Slope Walking
Title of publication:
Year :2015
Published in :Head and Trunk Moments of Inertia of Able- Bodied and Unbraced Scoliotic Girls
Title of publication:HUMAN FACTORS
Year :2014
Published in :Association of Navicular Drop and Selected Lower-Limb Biomechanical Measures During the Stance Phase of Running
Published in :Dynamics Study of Ankle Joint during Quiet Standing Balance Control with Emphasis on Dominant and Non-dominant Lower Limb, ISC
Title of publication:
Published in :Response to the “Letter to the Editor” by Ramsey et al. [Med. Eng. Phys. 36 (2014) 805]
Year :2013
Published in :Head and trunk mass and center of mass position estimations in able-bodied and scoliotic girls
Published in :Ground reaction force adaptations during cross-slope walking and running
Title of publication:HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE
Effect of neuromuscular training programs on the body center of mass position in mental retardation Authors ' in 2017'
10th International Congress on Sport Sciences
Effects of Strengthening and Plyometric Training Programs on the Knee Muscles Mechanics during Landing ' in 2016'
9th International Congress of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Kinematics of Patellofemoral Joint and Electromyography of Vastus Kinematics of Medialis and Vastus Lateralis Muscles in Handball Players with Reconstructed ACL Injury during Landing ' in 2016'
9th International Congress on Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Effect of core stability training on lumbar lordosis’s angle after primiparous birth in postpartum women ' in 2016'
9th International Congress on Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Knee Kinematics and Muscular Activity Adaptations in ACL-Reconstructed (ACLR) Handball Players during Landing ' in 2014'
7th World Congress of Biomechanics
book in 2013
بیومکانیک دویدن
Publisher : پژوهشگاه تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی
book in 2012
اصول و مبانی بیومکانیک و تجزیه و تحلیل حرکت
Publisher : پژوهشگاه تربیت بدنی و علوم ورزشی