Year :2641
Published in :Reflective Teaching Through Journal Writing: A Study on EFL Teachers’ Reflection-for-Action, Reflection-in-Action, and Reflection-on-Action
Title of publication:English Teaching & Learning
Year :2024
Published in :Iranian Prospective English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Neurocognitive Science Core Concepts: A Phenomenological Study
Title of publication:Languge Related Research
Published in :An Intersectional Visual Analysis of Iranian EFL Textbook of "Vision 2" for Analyzing Visual Representations of Gender, Race, and Nation
Title of publication:Applied Linguistics Inquiry
Published in :The Role of Agency and Identity in the Language Socialization of Iranian EFL Learners during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethnographic Study
Title of publication:Language Related Research
Published in :Iranian Prospective English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Neurocognitive Science Core Concepts: A Phenomenological Study
Title of publication:Language Related Research
Year :2023
Published in :Developing In‑Service EFL Teachers’ Immunity Through Post‑induction Mentoring
Title of publication:English Teaching and Learning
Published in :Intersectionality in Second Language Education and the Birth of a New Term
Title of publication:Applied Research on English Language
Published in :Relationships between EFL teachers' perceptions of consequential validity of formative assessment and data-driven decision-making self-efficacy and anxiety
Title of publication:Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
Year :2022
Published in :Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Through an Enriched Teacher Education Program: Cases of Four Iranian Pre-Service EFL Teachers
Title of publication:Pedagogies: An International Journal
Year :2021
Published in :Identity and its Ramifications Among Advanced Adult Iranian Learners of English
Title of publication:Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics
Published in :Measuring Language Teacher Emotion Regulation: Development and Validation of the Language Teacher Emotion Regulation Inventory at Workplace (LTERI)
Title of publication:Frontiers in Psychology
Published in :Authorial Voice in Research Articles on Applied Linguistic Written by Iranian and International Authors
Title of publication:پژوهش هاي زبانشناختي در زبان هاي خارجي،
Year :2020
Published in :The Influence of Emotion Based Language Instruction on Speaking and Writing Skills among EFL learners: An Empirical Study
Title of publication:International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (IJLLT)
Published in :A model of the factors predicting English language teacher immunity: A path analysis
Title of publication:Indonesian journal of applied linguistics
Published in :The Association of Experienced in-service EFL teachers’ immunity with engagement, emotions, and autonomy
Title of publication:current psychology
Published in :Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions of the Principles of Critical Thinking: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study
Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research
Year :2019
Published in :A Study of Socio-Cultural Conception of Writing Assessment Literacy: Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives
Title of publication:English Teaching and Learning
Published in :The Influence of Applying Emotion Based Language Instruction in Teaching Oral Skills to EFL Learners
Title of publication:International Journal of Instruction
Published in :The Impact of Computerized Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Interlanguage Pragmatic Development
Title of publication:Journal of Modern Research in English Language
Published in :A Bourdieusian analysis of the educational field and professional identity of EFL teachers A hermeneutic phenomenological analysis
Title of publication:Qualitative Research Journal
Year :2018
Published in :From the State of Motivated to Demotivated: Iranian Military EFL Learners’ Motivation Change
Title of publication:Journal of Asia TEFL
Published in :The interplay of teacher motivation and learner motivation: A Q method study
Title of publication:CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY
Year :2017
Published in :بررسی و تحلیل فرآیندهای فرانقش اندیشگانی در شعر «کسی که مثل هیچ کس نیست» فروغ فرخزاد در چارچوب نظریه نقشگرای هلیدی
Title of publication:شعر پژوهي
Published in :Emotions and socially just teaching: a qualitative study
Title of publication:Qualitative Research Journal
Published in :A Comparison of Moves in Conclusion Sections of Research Articles in Psychology, Persian Literature and Applied Linguistics
Title of publication:Teaching English Language
Published in :An Ecological Study of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety in English as a Foreign Language Classroom
Title of publication:Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
Published in :An Empirical Examination of the Association between Individual Differences Variables and Writing Performance of Iranian EFL Learners
Title of publication:Journal Of Teaching Language Skills
Published in :بررسي تأثير عوامل انگيزشي بر پيشرفت يادگيري زبانآموزان در یک دانشگاه نظامی
Title of publication:فصلنامه روان شناسي نظامي
Published in :An Investigation of Iranian EFL University Learners’ Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking Skills in a Pedagogical Blog: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Published in :Emotions and socially just teaching: a qualitative study
Title of publication:Qualitative Research Journal
Year :2016
Published in :Authenticity in teaching and teachers’ emotions: a hermeneutic phenomenological study of the classroom reality
Published in :Gender Representation and Stereotyping in ESP Textbooks
Title of publication:Asian ESP Journal
Published in :Femininities in teaching: dialectic of self and others
Title of publication:Qualitative Research Journal
Published in :A Qualitative Study of Politeness Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners in a Class Blog
Title of publication:
Published in :An Investigation into the Individual Differences Correlates of Iranian Undergraduate EFL Learners’ Writing Competence: A Mixed Methods Approach
Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Published in :Authenticity in teaching: a constant process of becoming
Title of publication:HIGHER EDUCATION
Year :2015
Published in :The Effects of Modes of Discourse and L1 on the Writing Quality of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners
Title of publication:
Title of publication:
Year :2013
Published in :گفتمان و شکل¬گیری هویت¬های سیاسی: مطالعة موردی زبان¬آموزان و معلمان ایرانی درحوزة یادگیری زبان انگلیسی در آموزشگاه¬های زبان
Title of publication:مطالعات زبان و ترجمه
Published in :Discourse and National Identities Construction: Case Studies of Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers at Private Language Schools
Title of publication:
The Impact of Intersectionality in Teaching English Language and Literature: A Case Study of Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” ' in 2024'
هشتمین همایش ملی پژوهش های نوین در حوزه زبان و ادبیات ایران
Exploring the Impact of Intersectionality on Second Language Teacher Recruitment: A Study on Nativespeakerism in Job-seeking Markets ' in 2024'
17th national and 11th international conference on E-learning and E-teaching focusing on technology enhanced learning
To What Extend Could Multiple Intelligence and Creative Thinking Predict EFL Learners’ Academic Performance in Virtual Classes? ' in 2022'
the 19th international TELLSI Conference
The Realization of the English Speech Act of Request among Persian EFL Learners, Russian EFL Learners and English Native Speakers: A Cross-Cultural Study ' in 2022'
the 19th international TELLSI Conference
Going Backward to Move Forward: The Past, Present, and Future of Intersectionality in the Field of English Language Teaching (ELT): A Systematic Review ' in 2022'
the 19th international TELLSI Conference
An Analysis of Iranian EFL Learners’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Reflective Teaching ' in 2022'
7 national conference on modern research in the field of..
Moves in Introduction Sections of Research Articles in Psychology, Persian Literature, and Applied Linguistics: A Genre-based Study ' in 2019'
هفتمین کنگره ملی پزوهش های کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
A Critical Review of Agency in ELT: Philosophical, Psychological and Social Turns ' in 2019'
هفتمین کنگره ملی پزوهش های کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله تاثیر جنسیت بر خطاهای صورت گرفته از نوع حذف توسط زبان آموزان سطح متوسط آموزشگاه های زبان انگلیسی بر مبنای رویکرد تحلیل خطا ' in 2018'
دومین کنفرانس ملی دانشجویی مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
A Critical Review of Agency in ELT: Philosophical, Psychological, and Social Turns ' in 2018'
3rd Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing
The Effect of Praising Feedback on Iranian EFL learners’ Effort, Achievement and Ability ' in 2018'
First National Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics-
The Investigation of Critical Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Skills in Iranian EFL Teachers and Learners ' in 2018'
First National Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Reading as a social process: a study about the effects of cooperative learning activities on the reading skill development of the Iranian EFL learners ' in 2017'
کنفرانس بین المللی زبان شناسی با رویکرد ابعاد جدید علم زبان
New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing
2nd Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing
The Effect of Genre-based Structure and L1 on Reading Comprehension and Recall of Iranian Upper-intermediate EFL Learners ' in 2017'
دومین همایش ملی اسیب شناسی اموزش زبان های خارجی در ایران
ضرورت توجه به زمینه های تاریخی فرهنگ ایران در آموزش زبان های خارجی ' in 2017'
دومین همایش ملی اسیب شناسی اموزش زبان های خارجی در ایران
On the Effectiveness of Technology Use in EFL Classrooms, An Investigation of Teachers' Perceptions ' in 2016'
4th international conference on applied research in language studies
The Effect of Summarization on the Reading Comprehension of Grade Nine Junior High-school Students ' in 2016'
4th international conference on applied research in language studies
Virtual Identity Construction Among Iranian EFL Learners: A Grounded Theory ' in 2016'
4th international conference on applied research in language studies
On the Relationship between the Listening Skill and English Language Learning: a case of Iranian Translation Students at a Payam-e -Nour University ' in 2016'
International Congress on Language and Literature
EFL Learners ' Perception toward Literacy: Conceptualization of Autonomous, Social, Emergent and Critical Literacy Models ' in 2015'
the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies (LTLTS2-IA)
Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers’ Conceptualization on Academic Success and falilure ' in 2015'
نخستین همایش ملی «آسیب شناسی آموزش زبان های خارجی در ایران»
gender Represenation and stereotyping... ' in 2015'
Third Language Conference on Language, Discourse and Pragmatics
The effect of Teacing Idioms ... ' in 2015'
The 2nd National Appllied Research Conference on English Language Studies
textbooka as cognitive foods... ' in 2014'
Prospect conference ....
Gender and use of vocabulary ... ' in 2013'
Profesional Development in Lnagugae teacher education
book in 2018
A collection of Short stories
Publisher : انتشارات خط سفید
Rich Vocabulary
Publisher :
book in 2017
Challenges in Foreign Language Teaching in Iran
Publisher : Cambridge Scholars Publishing
book in 2015
کتاب جامع انگلیسی پیش دانشگاهی
Publisher : سینا کتاب
book in 2014
The Effects of Modes of Discourse and L1 on the Writing Quality of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners
Publisher : Foreign language teaching in Europe