Year :2024

Published in :Evaluation of Temporal - Spatial Changes of Reference Evapotranspiration under the influence of climate change in Gorganroud Watershed in northern Iran

Title of publication:Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Published in :Evaluation of Temporal - Spatial Changes of Reference Evapotranspiration under the influence of climate change in Gorganroud Watershed in northern Iran

Title of publication:Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Year :2022

Published in :Analysis of spatially varying relationships between urban environment factors and land surface temperature in Mashhad city, Iran

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science

Published in :Investigating the changes in cooling degree day requirements under climate change conditions in Southern Khorasan Province, Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Analysis of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and its impact on precipitation distribution over Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Investigating the changes in cooling degree day requirements under climate change conditions in Southern Khorasan Province, Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Analysis of spatially varying relationships between urban environment factors and land surface temperature in Mashhad city, Iran

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science

Published in :Analysis of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and its impact on precipitation distribution over Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Year :2021

Published in :Analysis of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and rainfall in Iran

Title of publication:Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Published in :Evaluation of the Effect of Geographical Parameters on the formation of the Land Surface Temperature by applying OLS and GWR, A Case study Shiraz City, Iran

Title of publication:Urban Climate

Published in :Evaluation of the Effect of Geographical Parameters on the formation of the Land Surface Temperature by applying OLS and GWR, A Case study Shiraz City, Iran

Title of publication:Urban Climate

Year :2018

Published in :Spatial modeling of seasonal precipitation–elevation in Iran based on aphrodite database

Title of publication:modeling earth systems and environment

Evolutionary relationship and population structure of the freshwater crabs subgenus Pontipotamon (Br

synoptic & satellite evaluation of heavy rain