My name is Mohamed Amin Jabbareh. I was received my undergraduate degree from the University of Tehran in 2006. I received my M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Tarbiat Modares University in 2008 and 2013 respectively. I become a member of Hakim sabzevari University as an Assistant Professor since 2013.

My master thesis focused on phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution in temperature gradient transient liquid phase bonding process. I studied the effects of process parameters on the kinetic of solidification and microstructure of solidified zone. During PhD I used phase-field modeling to simulate microstructure evolution during laser surface processing. The focus was on the effect of initial grain size on the final grain structure of the heat-affected zone and the melt pool. Both projects were carried out under the supervision of Prof. Hamid Assadi.
As an Assistant Prof. I am teaching different courses related to phase transformations such as diffusion in solids, multicomponent systems, and physical metallurgy. I’m also supervising different graduate dissertations. The main topics are materials processing simulation; thermodynamics of small systems, and recently the design and fabrication of lightweight high entropy alloys.
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