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    Davood Zabihzadeh

    Faculty of Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering

    Assistant Professor

    d.zabihzadeh[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Mehdi Zaferanieh

    Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

    Associate Professor

    m.zaferanieh[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Rahman Zandi

    Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

    Associate Professor

    rahmanzandi [at] gmail.com

    Yaghoub Zanganeh

    Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

    Associate Professor

    y.zangane[at] hsu.ac.ir

    MAHDI Zanganeh

    Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

    Assistant Professor

    m.zanganeh[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Mohammad ali Zanganeh asadi

    Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

    Associate Professor

    ma.zanganehasadi[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Mahdi Zarei

    Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

    Assistant Professor

    m.zarei[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Rasool Zeidabadi

    Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science

    Associate Professor

    r.zeidabadi[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Ruhollah Zeynali

    Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences

    Assistant Professor

    r.zeynali[at] hsu.ac.ir

    Moslem Zolfagharkhani

    Faculty of Literature and Humanities

    Assistant Professor

    m.zolfagharkhani[at] hsu.ac.ir