Year :2023

Published in :Graph Feature Selection for Anti-Cancer Plant Recommendation

Title of publication:Control and Optimization in Applied Mathematics

Published in :Fractional derivative approach to sparse super-resolution

Title of publication:The Visual Computer

Year :2022

Published in :Eigenbackground Revisited: Can We Model the Background with Eigenvectors?

Title of publication:Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

Published in :Prediction of CO and PM10 in Cold and Warm Seasons and Survey of the Effect of Instability Indices on Contaminants Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study in Tehran City

Title of publication: Iranian (Iranica) Journal of Energy & Environment

Published in :Improving Canny Edge Detection Algorithm Using Fractional-Order Derivatives

Title of publication:Journal of Mathematical Modeling

Year :2021

Published in :On the Minimum of True Matches in Exact Graph Matching with Simulated Annealing

Title of publication:Journal of Algorithms and Computation

Published in :Overlapping Clusters in Cluster Convolutional Networks

Title of publication:Journal of Algorithms and Computation

Published in :Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran - Iran

Title of publication:Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering

Year :2019

Published in :Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran - Iran

Title of publication:AUT Journal of Civil Engineering

Year :2018

Published in :Sensitivity Analysis of Meteorological Parameters and Instability Indices on Concentration of Carbon Monoxide, Particulate Matter, and Air Quality Index in Tehran

Title of publication:Ecopersia

Year :2012

Published in :A Fast Image Registration Approach based on SIFT Key-points Applied to Super-Resolution

Title of publication:The Imaging Science Journal

Year :2011

Published in :Video enhancement through image registration based on structural similarity

Title of publication:The Imaging Science Journal

Published in :Picture Collage with Genetic Algorithm and Stereo vision

Title of publication:

Year :2009

Published in :Precise Image Registration with Structural Similarity Error Measurement Applied to Super-Resolution

Title of publication:Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

Year :2007

Published in :A New Quantized Input RLS,QI-RLS Algorithm.

Title of publication:Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Published in :Using Pattern Matching for Tiling and Packing Problems


Published in :A Fish School Clustering Algorithm: Applied to Student Sectioning Problem

Title of publication:Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms

Year :2005

Published in :Feature Selection in a Fuzzy student Sectioning

Title of publication:Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Published in :Feature Selection in A Fuzzy Student Sectioning Algorithm

Title of publication:Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Year :2002

Published in :A Genetic-Neuro Algorithm for Tiling Problems with Rotation and Reflection of Figures

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering

Feature Selection for Anti-Cancer Plant Recommendation ' in 2023'

دومین همایش بین المللی و چهارمین همایش ملی ریاضیات زیستی

Solving uncapacitated facility location problem by cuckoo optimization algorithm ' in 2017'

چهل و هشتمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران

Video Resolution Enhancement in the Presence of Moving Objects ' in 2009'

International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition

Image Registration for Super-Resolution using SIFT Key-points ' in 2009'

17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering

Regional Varying Image Super-Resolution ' in 2009'

IEEE International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization

Reconstruction+Synthesis: A Hybrid Method for Multi-Frame Super-Resolution ' in 2008'

(MVIP08) 2008 Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Outlier Removal for Super-Resolution Problem Using QR-Decomposition ' in 2008'

Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition

A QR Decomposition Based Mixture Model Algorithm for Background Modeling ' in 2007'

ICICS2007, Sixth International Conference on Information, Communication and Signal Processing

QR-Decomposition-based Algorithm for Background Subtraction ' in 2007'

ICASSP2007, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing

Modified Quantized input Variable Step Size LMS, QX-VSS LMS Algorithm Applied to Signal Prediction ' in 2007'

Proceeidings of 4th IEEE GCC Conference

A Background Model Initialization Algorithm Based on QR-Decomposition ' in 2007'

4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing

Fuzzy Student Sectioning ' in 2004'

PATAT04: Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling

Using Pattern Matching for Tiling and Packing Problems ' in 2004'

Modeling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences

book in 2017

مقدمه‌ای بر زی‌پرشین و ریاضی‌نویسی در لاتک

Publisher :

Implementation of Hakim Sabzevari University'

Retina Blood Vessel Segmentation using Image

Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation using Image