Year :2641

Published in :Reflective Teaching Through Journal Writing: A Study on EFL Teachers’ Reflection-for-Action, Reflection-in-Action, and Reflection-on-Action

Title of publication:English Teaching & Learning

Year :2024

Published in :Iranian Prospective English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Neurocognitive Science Core Concepts: A Phenomenological Study

Title of publication:Languge Related Research

Published in :Iranian Prospective English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Neurocognitive Science Core Concepts: A Phenomenological Study

Title of publication:Languge Related Research

Published in :The Role of Agency and Identity in the Language Socialization of Iranian EFL Learners during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethnographic Study

Title of publication:Language Related Research

Year :2021

Published in :Inferencing Complexity of the Iranian TEFL Ph.D. Entrance Exam under the Lens of the Construction-Integration Model of Inference Processing

Title of publication:International Journal of Language Testing

Year :2020

Published in :English for Medical Purposes: An Investigation into Medical Students’ English Language Needs

Title of publication:iranian journal of applied language studies

Published in :Rethinking English for Medical Purposes in Iran: Investigating the effectiveness of the status quo from stakeholders’ perspectives

Title of publication:International Journal of Language Studies

Published in :Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions of the Principles of Critical Thinking: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research

Year :2019

Published in :Authorial Stance-Taking and Engagement by Iranian PhD Candidates of TEFL in Writing Their Dissertations

Title of publication:Journal of Social Sciences Research

Published in :Authorial Stance-Taking and Engagement by Iranian PhD Candidates of TEFL in Writing Their Dissertations

Title of publication:Journal of Social Sciences Research

Published in :Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW): A Confirmatory Factor Structure Study

Title of publication:International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education

Published in :Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW): A Confirmatory Factor Structure Study

Title of publication:International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education

Published in :Diagnosing L2 Learners' Development through Online Computerized Dynamic Assessment

Title of publication:Computer Assisted Language Learning

Year :2018

Published in :Transcendence of Learning in an Online Computerized Dynamic Test of English Listening

Title of publication:CALL-EJ

Published in :Translation Strategies Used in Behaviourist, Cognitive, and Constructivist Approaches to Translation Instruction

Title of publication:International Journal of Instruction

Published in :Operationalization of Formative Assessment in Writing: An Intuitive Approach to the Development of an Instrument

Title of publication:Applied Research on English Language

Year :2017

Published in :The Differing Role of L2 WTC in Iranian EFL Learners’ Performance on a Computerized Dynamic Test of Writing

Title of publication:Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes

Published in :Willingness to Communicate Orally: The Case of Iranian EFL Learners


Year :2016

Published in :Question generation behavior of reflective teachers


Published in :The use of compensation strategies in the Iranian EFL learners’ speaking and its relationship with their foreign language proficiency.

Title of publication:

Published in :Vocabulary learning strategy use by Iranian EFL learners across proficiency levels

Title of publication:

Published in :A Qualitative Study of Politeness Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners in a Class Blog

Title of publication:

Published in :The relationship between EFL learner’ extensive reading and English language proficiency.

Title of publication:Theory and Practice in Language Studies

Published in :The relationship between Iranian EFL university professors’ code switching and their characteristics such as age, gender, and educational levels

Title of publication:

Published in :Socially Constructed Mechanism in EFL Writing: A Case Study of Scaffold Planning in a Remote Area

Title of publication:Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities

Published in :Using Podcasts to Improve Second Language Comprehension in Iranian Language Classrooms

Title of publication:

Published in :The Effect of Lexical Inferencing on the Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners

Title of publication:

Year :2015

Published in :Use of fluid and crystallized intelligence theory to enhance prediction of learning foreign language grammar

Title of publication:

Published in :A macro-level error analysis of Iranian undergraduate EFL learners’ performance on writing tasks

Title of publication:

Published in :Comprehension breakdown: A review of research on EFL learners’ reading difficulty and problems

Title of publication:

Published in :Impact of Cornell note-taking method instruction on grammar learning of Iranian EFL learners

Title of publication:

Published in :The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the Choice of Reading Strategies of Iranian EFL Learners

Title of publication:

Published in :The relationship between emotional intelligence and the choice of reading strategies of Iranian EFL learners

Title of publication:

Published in :An evaluation of questions in two ESP coursebooks based on Bloom’s new taxonomy of cognitive learning domain

Title of publication:

Published in :The role of writing strategies in English language proficiency of Iranian EFL learners

Title of publication:

Published in :A systematic review of research on questioning as a high-level cognitive strategy

Title of publication:

Published in :A Matthew effect in the case of EFL learners in junior high school in Iran

Title of publication:

Published in :Impact of Cornell Note-Taking Method Instruction on Grammar Learning of Iranian EFL Learners

Title of publication:

Published in :Collocational use: A contrastive analysis of strategies used by Iranian EFL learners

Title of publication:Theory and Practice in Language Studies

Published in :Critical thinking instruction in Iran’s ELT curriculum: To be or not to be?

Title of publication:

Published in :Critical review of the models of reading comprehension with a focus on situation models

Title of publication:

Published in :Metacognitive instruction, metacognitive development, listening comprehension skill

Title of publication:

Published in :A Macro-level Error Analysis of Iranian Undergraduate EFL Learners’ Performance on Writing Tasks

Title of publication:

Published in :The effect of computerized dynamic assessment of L2 writing on Iranian EFL learners' writing development

Title of publication:

Year :2014


Title of publication:


Title of publication:

Published in :The effect of collaborative vs. non-collaborative feedback on EFL learners’ written accuracy (A socio-cognitive perspective)

Title of publication:Cadmo

Published in :The Effect of Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension

Title of publication:

Published in :The effects of cultural familiarity on reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners

Title of publication:

Published in :A corpus-based study of the translation of politeness strategies with emphasis on address terms

Title of publication:

Digitalization in Language Learning in the Wake of COVID 19: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward ' in 2022'

The 19th International TELLSI Conference

The influence of concept mapping on reading comprehension of high school EFL learners in Iran ' in 2017'

New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing

بررسی انتقادی دو دهه تحقیق در زمینه نوآوری و خلاقیت در دانش آموزان و دانشجویان: یافته ها و کاستی ها ' in 2017'

Iran and World New Researches in Psychology and Educational Sciences

Foreign Language Learning Motivation and Demotivation in Iranian Context: A Critical Review ' in 2017'

دومین همایش ملی آسیب شناسی آموزش زبان های خارجی در ایران

The Effect of Using Scoring Rubrics on the Listening Comprehension Performance of Iranian Extroverted and Introverted EFL Learners ' in 2016'

4th International Conference on Modern Researches in Humanities

Collaborative vs. Non-Collaborative Feedback and EFL Learners’ Written Accuracy: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective ' in 2016'

چهارمین کنفرانس پژوهش های کاربردی در مطالعات زبان

Podcasts in Language Learning and Teaching: A State-of-the-Art Article ' in 2016'

کنگره بین المللی زبان و ادبیات

تغییر و اصلاح برنامه درسی ایران با نگاه به رویکردهای نوین به برنامه درسی در جهان ' in 2016'

دومین کنفرانس سراسری دانش و فناوری علوم تربیتی, مطالعات اجتماعی و روانشناسی ایران

Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers’ Conceptualization on Academic Success and falilure ' in 2015'

نخستین همایش ملی «آسیب شناسی آموزش زبان های خارجی در ایران»

book in 2014

English Book for the students of Arabic literature

Publisher : سخن گستر