Year :2024

Published in :Evaluation of Mental Skills and Temperament of Skilled Petanque Athletes of Iran

Title of publication:Indian Journal of Yoga Exercise & Sport Science and Physical Education

Year :2021

Published in :Mental Fatigue Reduces the Benefits of Self-Controlled Feedback on Learning a Force Production Task

Title of publication:Perceptual and Motor Skills

Year :2019

Published in :The Effect of Motivational and Informational Role of Feedback on Bilateral Transfer of Force Control Task

Title of publication:International Journal of Motor Control and Learning

Published in :Effect of 4 weeks of frankincense consumption on explicit motor memory and serum BDNF in elderly men

Title of publication:Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences

Year :2017

Published in :نقش اضطراب صفتی در اثربخشی بازخورد به کوشش‌های موفق و ناموفق بر یادگیری تکلیف کنترل نیرو (ISC)

Title of publication:مطالعات روانشناسی ورزشی

Year :2015

Published in :The effect of skill types and competition level on the functions of observational learning in athletes

Title of publication:Psicologia Educativa

Year :2010

Published in :Comparison Feedback after Good and Poor Trials in Self-Control and Instructor-Control Condition in Acquisition and learning of Force-Production Task (abstract ISI)


The effect of gender stereotype threat on self-efficacy and learning pétanque skills ' in 2024'

14th international congress on sport sciences

The effect of skill training with blood flow restriction on dart throwing accuracy in fatigue ' in 2024'

14th international congress on sport sciences

The relationship between perceived motivational climate and Achievement motivation with observational learning functions ' in 2022'

13th International Congress on Sport Sciences

The effect of attentional focus and implicit/explicit learning instructions on retention and transfer basketball free throw ' in 2022'

13th International Congress on Sport Sciences

اثر انواع دستورالعمل‌های کانون توجه بر یادگیری مهارت‌های دارت ' in 2020'

کنفرانس ملی تازه های علوم ورزشی و سلامت

Effect of goal setting and locus of control on sport performance ' in 2020'

12th international congress on sport sciences (ICSSRI 2020)

Effect of stereotype threat of experience on the cognitive and motor performance of girls ' in 2020'

12th international congress on sport sciences (ICSSRI 2020)

اثر انواع کانون توجه در مراحل ابتدایی و انتهایی یادگیری بر یادداری و انتقال شوت بسکتبال ' in 2017'

همایش ملی علوم ورزشی با رویکرد سلامت، نشاط اجتماعی، کارآفرینی و قهرمانی

اثر تمرین راه رفتن به عقب در آب با تاکید بر دستورالعمل توجه بیرونی بر بهبود تعادل پویا در سالمندان ' in 2016'

دومین همایش ملی دستاوردهای نوین تربیت بدنی و ورزش

اثر تمرین راه رفتن به جلو در آب با تاکید بر دستورالعمل توجه بیرونی بر بهبود تعادل پویا در سالمندان ' in 2016'

اولین همایش ملی مطالعات ورزشی در حوزه سلامت و پیشگیری و قهرمانی

The effect of gender and injury history on athlete perception of coach behavior toward injured athletes ' in 2011'

FISU Conference 2011

study of aerobic fitness and happiness levels changes in physical education during B.S academic course ' in 2009'

India International Congress In Sport Psychology (IICSP- 2009)

book in 2018

سنجش در روانشناسی ورزش و تمرین

Publisher :

Studying the Psychometric properties of Persi

The Effect of Physical Activity and Extremely