Year :2023

Published in :Evaluation of Meteorological Microphysical Schemas based on the WRF Model for Simulation of Rainfall in the northeastern region of Iran

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Published in :Spatial analysis and optimization of raingauge stations network in urban catchment using Weather Research and Forecasting mode

Title of publication:Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Published in :Evaluation of Meteorological Microphysical Schemas based on the WRF Model for Simulation of Rainfall in the northeastern region of Iran

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

Published in :Spatial analysis and optimization of raingauge stations network in urban catchment using Weather Research and Forecasting mode

Title of publication:Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Year :2022

Published in :Analysis of the Spatio-temporal variations of thermal patterns of Shiraz city by satellite images and GIS processing

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

Published in :Morphometric analysis for the assessment of relative tectonic activity using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (case study: Torbat Heydariyeh Kalshur Basins, Iran)

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Analysis of spatially varying relationships between urban environment factors and land surface temperature in Mashhad city, Iran

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science

Published in :Investigating the changes in cooling degree day requirements under climate change conditions in Southern Khorasan Province, Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Analysis of the Spatio-temporal variations of thermal patterns of Shiraz city by satellite images and GIS processing

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing & Space Sciences

Published in :Analysis of El Niño–Southern Oscillation and its impact on precipitation distribution over Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Published in :Assessment of the weather research and forecasting model in simulation of rainfall for Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran

Title of publication:Arabian Journal of Geosciences

Year :2021

Published in :Analysis of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and rainfall in Iran

Title of publication:Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Published in :Modeling of relative humidity trends in Iran

Title of publication:Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Published in :Investigating the inter-annual precipitation changes of Iran

Title of publication:Journal of Water and Climate Change

Published in :Evaluation of the Effect of Geographical Parameters on the formation of the Land Surface Temperature by applying OLS and GWR, A Case study Shiraz City, Iran

Title of publication:Urban Climate

Year :2019

Published in :برآورد میزان تبخیر و تعرق در استان فارس با استفاده از شاخصهای تجربی

Title of publication:تحقیقات کاربردی علوم جغرافیایی

Year :2018


Title of publication:International Journal of Current Research

Year :2017

Published in :Examining The Evolution Of The Khuzestan Urban Population Using The Urban Primacy Indexes


Published in :Locating of Wind Power Farms by Analytic Hierarchy Process Method (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchistan Province, Iran)

Title of publication:

Published in :The Phenological Stages of Apple Tree in the North Eastern of Iran

Title of publication:Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering

Published in :تحلیلی بر ساختار هٌطقِای جَ در زهاى رخذاد بارش برف سٌگیي در استاى کرهاى

Title of publication:سامانه هاي سطوح آبگير باران

Published in :water-colouring and geomorphogologic features of marl hills in chnging quality of soil and water

Title of publication:

Year :2016

Published in :Assessment services and functions of natural ecosystems due to their role in the dry areas with local communities Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process

Title of publication:International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)

Published in :Modelingoflandslidevolumeestimation

Title of publication:Open Geosciences

Published in :Seasonal distribution of wind in Iran (ISI


Published in :Zoning Of Apple Trees In Province Of Khorasan Razavi, Iran


Published in :(Investigating the spatial variation of heat Islands of Tehran (ISI

Title of publication:

Published in :Modeling of landslide volume estimation

Title of publication:Open Geosciences

Published in :An Investigation of the Inter-Annual Wind Changes In Iran

Title of publication:International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Published in :(Estimates and Zoning of reference evapotranspiration by FAOPenman-Monteith (Case Study: North West of Iran) (ISI

Title of publication:International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Year :2015

Published in :ارزیابی الگوهای بارشی استان خراسان رضوی با استفاده از روش‌های نوین آمار فضایی(ISC)

Title of publication:سامانه هاي سطوح آبگير باران

ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ ﻧﻘﺶ ﺧﺸﮑﺴﺎﻟﯽ ﺑﺮ ﻣﻨﺎﺑﻊ آب ﻫﯽ و ﭘﻮﺷﺶ ﮔﯿﺎ گ در ﺧﺮاﺳﺎن ﺑﺰرگ ' in 2019'

اولین همایش ملی راهبردهای سازگاری با کم آبی در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک

برآورد نیاز آبی گیاه کنجد در دشت سبزوار ' in 2015'

کنفرانس ملی هواشناسی ایران

Planning for climate tourism in city of Mashhad ' in 2014'

اولين همايش ملي مديريت گردشگري ، طبيعت گردي و جغرافيا

book in 2019

آب و هوا و اقیانوس

Publisher : دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری

book in 2017

فرهنگ توصیفی مدیریت بحران و بلایا

Publisher : نشر ارنا

کاربرد GIS در هیدرواقلیم

Publisher : نشر آرنا

book in 2016

Climatological Terminology

Publisher : موسسه آموزشی تالیفی ارشدان

زبان تخصصی ارشدان جغرافیا

Publisher : موسسه آموزشی تالیفی ارشدان

Analyzing of Synoptic and statistical predict

Assessment of humidity and thermal indices on

Evaluation the Danger and Damage of Landslide

Evaluation the Danger and Damage of Landslide

Evalution of humidity and thermal indices Pap

Regionalization Micro Climatically of khorasa

Regionalization Micro Climatically of khorasa

Spatial and temporal analysis of rainfall in