Year :2023

Published in :Analysis of physical changes in Fars province water zones related to climatic parameters using remote sensing, Bakhtegan, Tashk, Iran

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science

Published in :Monitoring the physical changes of lakes Bakhtegan and Tashk through land surface temperature and groundwater‑level changes using remote‑sensing technology

Title of publication:Environmental Earth Sciences

Published in :Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ackerman's Algorithm in Monitoring Dust Storms: A Case Study of Ilam Province, Iran

Title of publication:مهندسی اکوسیستم بیابان

Year :2022

Published in :Analysis of the Spatio-temporal variations of thermal patterns of Shiraz city by satellite images and GIS processing

Title of publication:The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

Published in :Evaluation of Geodiversity Across Noorabad Basin (Fars Province, Iran)

Title of publication:GEOHERITAGE

Published in :Evaluating Urban Heat Islands Using the Urban Viability Index (Case Study: Karaj Metropolis)

Title of publication:Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Year :2021

Published in :Spatial analysis of factors infuencing land subsidence using the OLS Model (Case Study: Fahlian Aquifer)

Title of publication:Earth Science Informatics

Published in :Evaluation of the Effect of Geographical Parameters on the formation of the Land Surface Temperature by applying OLS and GWR, A Case study Shiraz City, Iran

Title of publication:Urban Climate

Year :2020

Published in :Monitoring the Land Subsidence and its Associated Landforms Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Feyzabad Plain (north-east Iran)

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment (JHE)

Published in :Investigation and Evaluation of Geological Diversity in Fahlyan Basin

Title of publication:Natural Resources Management, GIS & Remote Sensing

Published in :Evaluating Physical Changes in Aquatic Zones and Their Relation with Precipitation in Fars Province

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment (JHE)

Published in :Monitoring the Land Subsidence and its Associated Landforms Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Feyzabad Plain (north-east Iran)

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment

Published in : Evaluating Physical Changes in Aquatic Zones and Their Relation with Precipitation in Fars Province

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment (JHE)

Published in :Monitoring the Land Subsidence and its Associated Landforms Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Feyzabad Plain (north-east Iran)

Title of publication:

Year :2019

Published in :Evaluating Physical Changes in Aquatic Zones and Their Relation with Precipitation in Fars Province

Title of publication:Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment

Published in :Zoning and spatial analysis of poverty in urban areas (Case Study: Sabzevar City-Iran)


Published in :The evaluation of spatial variations of vegetation and surface temperature by using Remote Sensing (Case study: Fars province, 2017-1967)

Title of publication:Journal of Hydro sciences and Environment

ارزیابی و سنجش توسعة شهری با استفاده ازتصاویر ماهواره ای (مطالعه موردی : شهر تربت حیدریه) ' in 2022'

نهمین همایش ملی مطالعات و تحقیقات نوین در حوزه علوم جغرافیا، معماری و شهرسازی ایران

ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ ﻧﻘﺶ ﺧﺸﮑﺴﺎﻟﯽ ﺑﺮ ﻣﻨﺎﺑﻊ آب ﻫﯽ و ﭘﻮﺷﺶ ﮔﯿﺎ گ در ﺧﺮاﺳﺎن ﺑﺰرگ ' in 2019'

اولین همایش ملی راهبردهای سازگاری با کم آبی در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک

Simulation of Probability of Landslide Occurrence Using Information Value Model and the Shannon Entropy Equation (Case Study: Kharv-Neishabur Catchment- Iran) ' in 2017'

Third International Congress Of Earth Sciences and Urban Development

book in 2022

آموزش Arc GIS Pro جلد دوم

Publisher : ماهواره

آموزش Arc GIS Pro جلد اول

Publisher : انتشارات ماهواره

book in 2020

کاربرد سنجش از دور در آب و هواشناسی

Publisher : انتشارات ماهواره

کاربرد سنجش از دور در علوم محیطی(اصول و تکنیک ها)

Publisher : انتشارات ماهواره

فرونشست زمین و تداخل سنج راداری

Publisher : انتشارات ماهواره

book in 1969

تحلیل های مکانی با Arc GIS

Publisher : ماهواره

Application of Entropy Model in Landslide Hazard Assessment on Proposed Road of Torkheba-Dorood (Mas

Spatial analysis and needs assessment of cultural centers in Sabzevar

Spatial zoning and analysis of urban poverty in Mashhad metropolis using ANP