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- Rafiei, A., Toutounian, F.: New breakdown-free variant of AINV method for nonsymmetric positive definite matrices. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 219(1) 72-80 (2008). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A., Toutounian, F.: Breakdown-free version of ILU factorization for nonsymmetric positive definite matrices. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 230, 699-705 (2009). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A., Bollhoefer, M.: Extension of inverse-based dropping techniques for ILU preconditioners. Preprint.
- Rafiei, A., Bollhoefer, M.: Robust Incomplete Factorization for Nonsymmetric matrices, Numerische Mathematik, 118(2), 247-269 (2011). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A.,: A hybrid preconditioner to solve nonsymmetric linear system of equations. Journal of Adv. Research in Scientific Computing, 3(4), 57 – 97,(2011).
- Rafiei, A., Shahlaei, F.,: Different Versions of ILU and IUL Factorizations obtained from Forward and Backward Factored Approximate Inverse Processes-Part I. Advances in Numerical Analysis, Volume 2011, Article ID 703435, 9 pages.
- Rafiei, A.,: A complete pivoting strategy for the right-looking Robust Incomplete Factorization preconditioner. Computers and Mathematics with applications, 64, 2682-2694 (2012). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A.,: ILU and IUL factorizations obtained from Forward and Backward Factored APproximate INVerse algorithms. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. 40 (5), 1327-1346 (2014). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A.,: Left-looking version of AINV preconditioner with complete pivoting strategy, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 445, 103–126 (2014) . (ISI)
- Rafiei, A., Tolue, B. and Bollhoefer, M., Complete pivoting strategy for the left-looking Robust Incomplete Factorization preconditioner, Computers and Mathematics with applications, 67, 2055-2070 (2014). (ISI)
- Salkuyeh, D., Rafiei, A., Roohani, H., ILU Preconditioning Based on the FAPINV Algorithm, Opuscula Mathematica, 35(2), 235-250 (2014).
- Rafiei, A. and Bollhoefer, M. Complete pivoting strategy for the IUL preconditioner obtained from Backward Factored Approximate Inverse process, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. 43 (5), 1417-1456 (2017). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A., Bollhoefer, M. and Benkhaldoun, f., A block version of left-looking AINV preconditioner with one by one or two by two block pivots, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 390, 366-385 (2019). (ISI)
- Rafiei, A., Tolue Haghighi, B., Computing a block incomplete LU preconditioner as the by-product of block left-looking A-biconjugation process, Journal of New Researches in Mathemematics, accepted (2019), in persian.
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