

  1. Hasanpour and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Optical Tweezers based on Nano-focusing of Coupled Surface Plasmons in two Gold Strips,” Tabriz journal of electrical engineering, vol. 54, no. 2, 2023 (in persian).
  2. Rahnamafarand and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Sub-nanometer manipulation of multiple nanoparticles by non-uniformly back-gated graphene sheet/strips,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 40, no. 5, 2021 (IF: 2.180).
  3. Mohsen Samadi, Pooya Alibeigloo, Abolfazl Aqhili, Mohammad Ali Khosravi, Farahnaz Saeidi, Shoaib Vasini, Mostafa Ghorbanzadeh, Sara Darbari, Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi “Plasmonic tweezers: Towards nanoscale manipulation,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 154, 2022 (IF: 5.666).
  4. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Numerical investigation of a bidirectionally tunable, nanometer-precision, and compact tweezers for screening gold nanoparticles,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 38, no. 4, 2021 (IF: 2.180).
  5. P. Alibeigloo, M. Ghorbanzadeh, and M. K. Moravvej-Farshi, “Repositioning of plasmonic hotspots along the sidewalls of conical nanoholes: a numerical investigation,” OSA Contin., vol. 3, no. 10, p. 2817, 2020.
  6. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Numerical investigation of high-speed electrically reconfigurable plasmofluidic channels for particle manipulation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 37, no. 10, p. 2830, 2020 (IF: 2.180).
  7. M. Ghorbanzadeh and S. Darbari, “Efficient Plasmonic 2D Arrangement and Manipulation System, Suitable for Controlling Particle–Particle Interactions,” J. Light. Technol., vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 2058–2064, 2019 (IF: 4.288).
  8. M. Ghorbanzadeh, Steven Jones, MK. Moravvej-Farshi, and Reuven Gordon “Improvement of Sensing and Trapping Efficiency of Double Nanohole Apertures via Enhancing the Wedge Plasmon Polariton Modes with Tapered Cusps”, ACS Photonics, 2017 (IF: 6.756).
  9. M. Ghorbanzadeh, MK. Moravvej-Farshi, and S. Darbari, “Plasmonic Optophoresis for Manipulating, In Situ Position Monitoring, Sensing, and 3-D trapping of Micro/Nanoparticles,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 5500208, 2016 (IF: 3.466).
  10. M. Ghorbanzadeh, S. Darbari, and MK. Moravvej-Farshi, “Graphene-based Plasmonic Force Switch,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, no. 12, 2016 (IF: 3.293).
  11. M. Ghorbanzadeh, MK. Moravvej-Farshi, and S. Darbari, “Designing a Plasmonic Optophoresis System for Trapping and Simultaneous Sorting/Counting of Micro- and Nano-particles,” Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE/OSA), vol. 33, no. 16, pp. 3453 – 3460, 2015 (IF: 2.965).


  1. Shahsavan Ghareghoni and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Design and Simulation of a Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Optical Fiber Sensor for Detecting Partial Breakdown in Transformer’s Insulating Oil,” The Third Conference on Applied Research in Electrical Engineering, 2023, Ahvaz, Iran.
  2. Hasanpour and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Investigation of plasmonic mode Coupling of two Gold Nano-strips,” The 28th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2022), and the 14th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2022), 2022, Iran.
  3. Rahnamafarand and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Tuning the Plasmonic Modes of Discretely Biased Graphene Nanoholes: Application to Optical Tweezers,” The 28th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2022), and the 14th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2022), 2022, Iran.
  4. Amir-Hossein Ghasemnejad and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “An Investigation of a Hybrid Plasmonic-photonic Mode Micro-Ring Resonator Sensor,” The 28th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2022), and the 14th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2022), 2022, Iran.
  5. Saedi, M. Ghorbanzadeh, MK Moravvej-Farshi “Plasmonic Sensor based on the Third Harmonic Generated by an Array of Gold Nano-apertures,” The 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2022), and the 11th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2022), 2022, Iran.
  6. P Alibeigloo, M. Ghorbanzadeh, MK Moravvej-Farshi “Investigation of the Plasmonic Modes in Vertical Nano-holes,” The 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2022), and the 11th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2022), 2022, Iran.
  7. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Electrically Tunable Passive Plasmonic Screening of Gold Nanoparticles Using a Graphene Sheet”, 7th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS7) 27Feb- 1 Mar 2018, Tehran, Iran.
  8. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Efficient Excitation of Stripe-based Leaky Surface Plasmon Polaritons in the Kretschmann Configuration”, The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer with emphasis on native knowledge (IEEEC), 2017, Tehran, Iran.
  9. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Investigation the Effect of Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles on a Cell Membrane for Efficient Light Scattering”, The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer with emphasis on native knowledge (IEEEC), 2017, Tehran, Iran.
  10. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Stripe-based Plasmofluidic Tweezers for Single Cell Manipulating and Sensing Applications”, Nanomedicine & Nanosafety Conference (NMNS 2017), Tehran, Iran.
  11. M. Ghorbanzadeh, S. Darbari, MK. Moravvej-Farshi, “Single-particle optical trapping and unfolding system based on surface Plasmon Polaritons for application in cancer diagnosis,” Asian Nano Forum Conference (ANFC2015), pp. 24-25, 2015.
  12. Asad, M. H. Sheikhi, and M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Effect of Surface Treatment by Helium Plasma on the Electrical Properties of Ohmic Contact to Chemical Bath Deposition PbS Photodetectors,” The 2nd Asian Symposium on Electromagnetics and Photonics Engineering, pp. 28–31, 2013.
  13. Fathipour, H. Ghasri, M. Ghorbanzadeh, P. Vahdani, “Investigation of Ion Implantation Method for InSb-FPA Fabrication,” 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2013), May 2013 (In Persian).
  14. M. Ghorbanzadeh, M. Fathipour, M. Asad, “Dark Current Components in InSb Infrared Photodetectors,” 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2013), May 2013 (In Persian).
  15. M. Ghorbanzadeh, M. Asad, V. Fathipour, M. Fathipour, “The Impact of Fixed Oxide Charge Density on the Performance of InSb Infrared Focal Plane Arrays,” 11th international conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD-XI Northwestern University, USA), September 2012.
  16. M. Ghorbanzadeh, “Electrically Tunable Passive Plasmonic Screening of Gold Nanoparticles Using a Graphene Sheet”, 7th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS7) 27Feb- 1 Mar 2018, Tehran, Iran